MEE audio Connect: Bluetooth TV Audio Adapter – Keep the Peace in Your Home!

Some folks need a little extra volume. Some folks want to watch TV late at night. Some folks just want a private audio feed. The MEE Audio Connect adds two discrete low latency Bluetooth audio streams to your TV. It might be just the thing to help keep the peace in YOUR living room. Continue reading “MEE audio Connect: Bluetooth TV Audio Adapter – Keep the Peace in Your Home!”

Need a Power Adapter to Charge Your Phone Overseas? Travel Tech Prep!

How do you charge your phone or laptop overseas? When flying from the United States to Europe, the voltage from electrical sockets changes. Do you need an adapter? A step down converter? Should you buy a local phone charger? Let’s take a look at how you can power your tech in another country!


Continue reading “Need a Power Adapter to Charge Your Phone Overseas? Travel Tech Prep!”