Hidden Path Entertainment teams up with Operation Supply Drop to send Soldiers games and gear

2nd-Annual-Pinup-webLast year Operation Supply Drop donated $58,000 in games and gear to soldiers deployed and in military hospitals. This year they’re looking to top it.

On November 9th, they’ll be hosting their second 24-hour gaming marathon to raise funds and donations. You can get in on the action by having friends, family, and followers sponsor you by the hour. If you think you can hang gaming for a whole day straight that is. You can officially sign up your team on the 8-Bit Salute page on CrowdRise.

One of my favorite game developers has already pledged a very generous donation. Hidden Path Entertainment makes one of my all time favorite tower defense games Defense Grid, and they’ve already promised $20,000 in game codes for the cause. They join Treyarch who sent in a Call of Duty care pack earlier this month.

Play games AND support our Troops? It’s a win-win folks. More info at: http://www.operationsupplydrop.org/

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