AT&T Releases new cheaper Family Plans with focus on data

ATT logoAT&T’s Mobile Share plans have been criticized in the past for being too confusing. It looks like they’re working to improve that situation while offering up less expensive plans for families to share data.

Rather than having a bunch of sliding scales, picking how much data, how many texts, how many minutes, this new base plan picks all of that for you. The only thing you need to pick is the number of phones you’ll be activating.

All plans now come with Unlimited Talk & Text and 10GB of Data. Starting with two lines for $130 a month, and climbing up to five lines for $175. Each additional line after that fifth is an additional $15. Much easier to understand, and depending on your data requirements, potentially less expensive as well.

ATT Family Plan Rates

What’s interesting is how AT&T is positioning this new plan. Continue reading “AT&T Releases new cheaper Family Plans with focus on data”

FOX Sports streaming Super Bowl XLVIII Online for all for free!

Super_Bowl_XLVIII_logoI know a lot of people who have cut the cable cord over the last couple years. For the most part services like Hulu and Netflix can satisfy TV and movie viewing, but live sporting events can sometimes present a challenge. One pal in particular lives in an area where he can’t quite get good reception over the air with an HD Antenna.

Well for The Big Game™ ®©, Fox isn’t taking any chances with people not watching the game or the ads, and are allowing everyone to stream over Fox Sports Go. This is a service similar to HBO Go and normally requires authentication from a cable provider. Today they’re waiving that requirement.

Starting at 12pm ET, pre-game coverage will start streaming for free. It’s a brilliant move, as sports fans will get to try out the service, and it makes those expensive ad buys even more valuable as more eye balls will be on data driven screens.

Thanks to Derek Ross on G+ for the tip, and he also mentions that streaming the game over a computer and sending it to your TV via a Chromecast works well!

Super Bowl XLVIII on Fox Sports Go!

Just For Fun: Young Rival – Black is Good (Magic Eye, 3D Music Video)

Young Rival - Black Is Good - Magic Eye VideoIt’s not a’s a Sailboat.

Remember those stereogram “Magic Eye” posters which were all the rage in the 90’s? It caused an entire generation of people my age to get really good at going cross-eyed at a moments notice.

Young Rival is going retro, making the entire music vid out of that blurry 3D technique. I think the song is pretty decent too.

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