IBM’s Watson Supercomputer Now a Food Truck Chef?

Watson's_avatarIt kinda makes sense when you think about it.

The supercomputer that spanked the top two most winning human contestants on Jeopardy is a master of parsing data. After his game show appearance, Watson has also been used in the medical industry, but now IBM is playing with a more fun application. Chewing through ingredients online to develop new recipes.

Scanning through dishes, Watson is able to start finding patterns in how certain dishes are prepared, and he’s then able to make certain assumptions based on region to arrive at new food combos and recipes. Watson’s attempts are then handed off to human chefs.

The real fun of this project however is how IBM is testing the dishes Watson creates. It’s no fun if it’s just developers and employees, IBM built a food truck for Watson’s cuisine to hit the streets.

Hey IBM, I REALLY want this on my phone. Google Now, Cortana, and Siri are cool and all, but can we make a Watson app happen?

Friday Fun: How to Properly Make a Right Hand Turn in Los Angeles

For this VLOG we’re backtracking to test the front facing camera on the Galaxy S4, and helping you folks out with a diving tutorial.

If you’re thinking about visiting or moving to Los Angeles, here’s a handy driving tip for you to better blend in with the natives!

Google Unleashes Video Quality Report Site Showcasing Under-Performing ISPs

google video quality report siteFollowing in Netflix’s footsteps, Google has launched a site to report average Youtube streaming speeds. It allows consumers to compare performance between different providers in their area.

This is a tactical play by Google who recently signed off on a letter supporting Net Neutrality in the face of the FCC’s proposed “Fast lane” rules. It’ll provide customers an additional tool to shop service (at least for those people who have more than one option in their area). Based on location, you can see which companies are providing more HD, standard definition, or low def video streams.

In a climate where Americans often pay more for service than other developed nations, and receive slower speeds, providing shoppers more info is handy as ISP’s usually only discuss what their theoretical maximum download is.

You can check out your area here

‘Reading Rainbow’ Crushes Crowd Funding Goals – LeVar Burton Thanks Supporters on Youtube

reading rainbow online kickstarterLeVar Burton is trying to bring Reading Rainbow to the web and produce a specialized classroom version of the show which will be freely available to educators. Their goal for the project? $1,000,000.

With 33 days to go on the project backers have already pledged $2.5 Million.

Produced from 1983 to 2006, the project producers believe that the next frontier to help improve child literacy isn’t TV, but the internet. The fact that the project reached its goal before the end of its first day, it would appear a lot of people would agree. An emotional LeVar Burton took to Youtube to express his thanks.

The project still has a month to go, and there are plenty of fun perks left to grab. Head on over to the Kickstarter page to check it out, but you don’t have to take my word for it…

AT&T Offers Up Samsung Galaxy S5 Active Rugged Phone for $199

samsung galaxy s5 active ATTAT&T has finally taken the wraps off of their next rugged Galaxy Smartphone. Following in the footsteps of the Rugby and the Galaxy S4 Active, the Galaxy S5 Active improves upon the line by offering up a more ruggedized experience with none of the previous compromises made by other “tough” phones.

The S4 Active was similar to the regular S4, but had an LCD screen instead of Samsung’s juicy AMOLED display, and the camera was an 8MP shooter instead of the normal S4’s 13MP shooter.

samsung galaxy s5 active ATT frontThe normal Galaxy S5 is already water resistant, capable of surviving being completely submerged for short periods of time. This means very little re-engineering needed to happen to toughen up the S5 Active. It’s the same terrific AMOLED display with the incredible new 16MP camera sensor capable of shooting 4 video. This new Active is the same hardware, but bulked up in a more rugged shell. A little thicker, a little wider, but capable of taking more abuse.

The hardware navigation buttons also make a return. These have proven to be terrifically handy, allowing you to partially operate the phone when water or muck is on the screen, or when the phone is fully submerged. Capacitive touchscreens don’t work well with water, especially when they’re under water.

If the S5 is Bruce Banner, the S5 Active is the Hulk. It’s available now as an AT&T exclusive for $199 on contract, and customers can receive a $50 credit if they buy one with a Gear Fit smartwatch.

Galaxy S4 Active Review
Galaxy S5 Review

Ohio Congressman Submits Bill Blocking FCC from Reclassifying Broadband as Utility

480px-Bob_Latta,_official_110th_Congress_photo_portraitIn our on going saga reporting on net neutrality, one potential outcome has always been Congress getting involved directly to craft legislation. Of course that knife can cut both ways, and while bills supporting online consumer protections have withered, a counterpoint has been introduced by Ohio Republican Bob Latta.

“At a time when the Internet economy is thriving and driving robust productivity and economic growth, it is reckless to suggest, let alone adopt, policies that threaten its success,” he said. “Reclassification would heap 80 years of regulatory baggage on broadband providers, restricting their flexibility to innovate and placing them at the mercy of a government agency.”

Latta’s bill would block the FCC’s ability to classify broadband networks as Title II or “Common Carriers”, the last threat the FCC had to keep carriers and ISPs in line.

Cable companies applauded the legislation, while we can be fairly sure that companies like Netflix, Google, and many other online services wont be thrilled by this latest move.

While we wait for the FCC’s proposed “Fastlane” rules which would essentially end the neutral internet, Ted Cruz is also planning on introducing similar legislation to the Senate.  No small wonder considering the teams of lobbyists currently campaigning in DC…


Review: Toast Real Wood Cover for the Samsung Galaxy S5 (Made in the USA)

Toast is back with another slick cover! This quirky Portland based company cuts all their cases here in the USA using renewable energy, and delivering on a unique, organic experience for our favorite gadgets.

Let’s take a look at their newest cover the Galaxy S5!

Click here for more info on Toast covers!

Wireless Charging to Get Less Confusing Thanks to New Broadcom SoC

PR_IMG_BCM59350_Wireless_Charging_HiResOk, so wireless charging isn’t that confusing a concept. You take a device, slap it down on a pad, and it charges the battery. What IS confusing is having to deal with two different standards for wireless charging which aren’t cross compatible.

There are two different versions of chargers Qi and PMA, and each has carved out a niche of the market. It gets even more confusing with companies like Nokia. International Lumias support Qi, but AT&T is partnered with PMA, so their phones wont support Qi chargers anymore. It’s a tricky roadmap to navigate for consumers who want to know which accessories will work with their phones.

Broadcom has announced a new SoC which should eventually ease that confusion as it’ll work with both standards. It’s an exciting innovation. Having competing “standards” is a sure fire way to halt progress of a new technology. Anyone remember the Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD war for HD content? Of course you don’t we all moved over to Netflix.

Broadcom’s full pr below for all the technical details.

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