Longterm Review: RAVPOWER Lipstick Charger and Flashlight


Back in November of last year I reviewed the Ravpower Lipstick charger and I am here to give you my longterm update on this awesome yet inexpensive portable charger!

003I use this everyday for all of my gadgets and the Ravpower is always in my backpack or messenger bag ready to charge my device.  On one occasion, while riding my bike super-fast like Evil Knievel, I pulled the Ravpower out of my pocket to use the flashlight, as the headlight on my bike had run out of juice, and I dropped the Ravpower! NOOOOOO! It went skidding across the street kind of like that flat stone you skipped across the lake in the summer. It missed certain destruction from a car by about a foot or so.  I thought to myself  “Self, I have a feeling it’s done…”

I crossed the street to go pick it up and there it was, still intact and as I went to turn the flashlight on, it worked!

Since the flashlight was working I had to make sure the Ravpower would still charge my device. I plugged the USB cable to one end of my Nokia Lumia 521 and the other end into the Ravpower. When I heard the charging chime from my phone, I was quite relieved! My Ravpower suffered some road rash, but it still worked!


I highly recommend the Ravpower Lipstick charger especially at the price you can buy one for. The Ravpower’s price on Amazon varies from $15.00 to $20.00, and for more info on Ravpower products, check out their site!

Christopher Trimble is a Voice Talent, Audio Book Editor, Area 51 Test Pilot, Ex BMX’er, Roller Derby fan and Creative Artist residing in sunny Orlando Florida.


You can find Chris on TwitterInstagramGoogle+ andchristophertrimble.co

2 Replies to “Longterm Review: RAVPOWER Lipstick Charger and Flashlight”

  1. Cool follow up on the ravpower! I’m going to amazon now to pick one up!

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