Bokeh is NOT Pronounced “Boca”! Limited run T-Shirts and Hoodies for April!

It’s a joke for April, but NOT an April Fools joke!

There’s much debate over how to pronounce the word “bokeh”, a Japanese term used to describe the artistic quality of lens blur. While we photo-geeks squabble about “ke” versus “kay”, or what region of Japan has a slight upward inflection, or blah blah blah…

The one thing we should all be able to agree on is that the recent Apple commercial is completely wrong. Where one woman turns to another and says:

“Did you just BOCA my child?”

Boca. As in Boca Raton. That’s completely wrong. All I can hear is one woman ask another:

“Did you just MOUTH my child?”

Which is kind of dirty for an Apple ad.

I’ve drawn a line in the sand, and if you want to stand with me on the correct side of that line, I’ve put up a collection of t-shirts and hoodies to help you support the good and righteous cause of language preservation. We’ll probably lose this fight against the juggernaut of Apple marketing, but we won’t go down without a fight!

Men and Women cut premium t-shirts, and super soft premium hoodies, only available through the month of April!

Click here to check out The Bokeh Collection on TeeSpring!

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