Your New Reality Is Ready – A look at the newest VR and Augmented Reality from GDC

As I take in the sights and sounds of Game Developer’s Conference (GDC) 2014, and the occasional suspicious smell, which I overhear someone claim is that of hot dogs, a deep feeling of suspense starts stirring within me.  A merciless coup is forming poised to strike with undaunted ferocity.  The harbinger, a very specific new trend with the capability of completely disrupting everything we think we know about gaming.  No, more than that.  Reality itself.


Virtual and augmented reality is about to mount a full-scale invasion on your sense of “the real.” It is about to change the way you consume interactive and passive content.  An assault, amassing so much power and such allies, before it even lands upon the shores of our consumer collective consciousness, it is doing everything in its power to win the war before a single shot is fired.

At every recent tech convention, the absolutely longest line, by far, to experience the latest and greatest in entertainment and gaming is not at any long-established heavyweight veteran’s booth.  It is, instead, snaking along the perimeter of a brand new, fresh-faced, hyper-ambitious startup’s booth.  The banner reads, “Oculus.”  And this phenomenon is repeated at every other booth showcasing their wares via a “generation one Oculus developer’s kit.”


Having taken the Oculus experience for a spin at CES a few months ago, I will not be waiting in the hour-plus line to demo a couple minutes of the developer’s latest generation Rift, sporting 1080p displays, much wider field of vision, and low-latency buttery goodness.  I will say, at CES, it lived up to every shred of hype I had heard prior, even exceeding my unfairly high expectations.  But here at GDC, what I was more taken in by was the very fact that I was staring at a booth filled with dozens of people jacked into Rift headsets, lost in a world separate from this one, truly immersed and interacting inside in a virtual sphere.


Then… the trumpets sounded, the heralds cried, and Sony announced Project Morpheus.  Their own version of a totally immersive, HD, virtual reality headset, complete with infrared head-tracking, stylish blue LED-glowing trim, and tailor-made to be a bold companion peripheral to their own Playstation. Continue reading “Your New Reality Is Ready – A look at the newest VR and Augmented Reality from GDC”

Android Wear Teaser Videos Show Off Google Now on Your Wrist

Android WearIn a pair of videos showing off their new wearable OS, Google finally took the wraps off their long rumored smartwatch UI.

Dubbed Android Wear, it’s a system designed to feed notifications, small pieces of contextual information, and voice controlled services to your wrist. Modular enough for a variety of square and circular form factors (like that sexy Moto 360), it features a Google Now card style interface to feed you small pieces of relevant info. Backed up by voice actions, users should be able to stay informed as to what’s happening in their digital world, while still being able to interact with messages. A handy little trick in providing us tools to actually use our phones less while still consuming data services.

LG and Moto are already announcing hardware to use the new Wear software, and traditional watch manufacturers like Fossil are expressing interest as well. This might be the mainstream push required to get “old world” makers on board.

Also announced is a preview SDK releasing this week, so developers can already start work on migrating apps and services to these smaller screens.

Hit the videos below for the full scoop, and a demo of the Android Wear UI in action!

AT&T Offers 1 Year Free U-Verse to Qualifying California Businesses

ATT logoIf any market can use a little more broadband competition it’s… well… pretty much the entire country, but if you’re running a small business in California, and you meet the requirements, AT&T might be able to take a chunk off of your yearly expenses.

If you’re an AT&T wireless customer on a Mobile Share plan, you can add a year of U-Verse business broadband with a $35 a month credit. Starting off with the 6Mbps plan, which you essentially get for free, you can climb up to a 45Mbps plan for only $60 a month.

Really the only hitch will be if your business resides in a U-Verse area. Hit the press release below for the full scoop on plans and details.

Continue reading “AT&T Offers 1 Year Free U-Verse to Qualifying California Businesses”

Spritz Speed Reading App to debut on Samsung Galaxy S5 and Gear 2

spritz speed reading service running on a Samsung Gear 2 smartwatchServices people! I want to see more cool services!

Phones are plenty powerful, and it looks like Samsung is helping an experimental speed reading app hit the big time. Spritz thinks they’ve got the magic formula to help people become speed reading masters.

By flashing one word at a time, and aligning them to help improve recognition, Spritz thinks their system will be not only easy to learn, but should garner results quickly.

spritz speed reading service running on a Samsung Galaxy S5Samsung also thinks there’s some merit to this system, and will be including a Spritz app on their up coming Galaxy S5 phone and Gear 2 smartwatch. Building the software into services like the Samsung Email app, it could provide faster delivery for emails and text messages.

This is the kinda stuff which does actually make me excited to see a new phone release.

More info on the Spritz Blog, where they also have a demo of the Spritz service in action.

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