Silicon Wadi Attracts Richard Meier Designed Tower

WP_20140609_18_51_59_ProSilicon Wadi (Hebrew for “Valley”) attracts some the largest players in the tech industry. Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Google and other large players keep offices and facilities in and around Tel Aviv, Israel. With that kind of tech talent on tap, it should come as no surprise that it’s also one of the hottest markets for tech start ups, second only behind Silicon Valley in the United States.

That kind of talent and money also attracts ambitious land development. Unveiled at an event in Beverly Hills, the John Aaroe group showed off their tower nearing completion in Tel Aviv. While I often don’t blog about architecture and real estate, the Meier on Rothschild tower was designed by none other than Richard Meier who gave us the amazing Getty Center in Los Angeles, which happens to be one of my favorite places on the planet.


What could be more appropriate than a white tower in The White City, designed by the same man who gave us The Getty Center?

$50 million Apartment in Meier-on-Rothschild Tower Still Awaits for BuyerOf course this kind of gorgeous design doesn’t come cheap, and a penthouse view from this forty-two story tower, which is only minutes away from the Mediterranean Sea, will run you in the ballpark of around $50 Million dollars.

However, if you just sold Waze to Google, that might not be too steep a price tag…

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