T-Mobile Offers up $3 a Month “Pay As You Go” Phone Plan

T-Mobile LogoT-Mobile has been finding a lot of success at being a market disruptor, recently unseating Sprint and moving into third place among the largest USA carriers.

Their new tactic courts entry-level and pre-pay customers with a new Pay as You Go Plan. The plan starts off with a monthly minimum charge of $3, and it’s entirely usage based. Calls are $0.10 per minute, as are texts, which means you’d receive 30 minutes a month if you didn’t want to pay any more than the minimum. Data is purchased in daily or weekly passes. $5 for one day and 500MB of LTE, $10 for 7 days and 1GB.

It’s an interesting solution which looks to be targeting the business models offered up by companies like Ting and FreedomPop, low cost MVNO’s basing pricing on usage.

T-Mo’s full PR is below with more details. 

T-Mobile Brings Its Un-carrier Approach to Value Conscious Customers

Starting August 17th, the Un-carrier is re-inventing Pay as You Go plans to be simpler and more affordable.

Historically, Pay as You Go plans have been difficult to understand. The per minute/message amount customers paid, varied greatly on how much money customers preloaded. This made it tough to know how much a call would cost and when you needed to reload, so that your account would remain active. Not to mention, Pay as You Go customers could not add data to their plans.

Now that’s all changing. T-Mobile’s new Pay as You Go plan gives customers one flat rate of $0.10 / minute or message for talk and text – which is the lowest “pay as you go” offer in the industry, amongst major nationwide carriers. The $3 monthly minimum, gives customers 30 minutes of talk or text messages and the piece-of-mind that their account will remain active. No credit check. No deposit. No annual service contract required.

And, because the Un-carrier never stops, we’re giving Pay as You Go customers the option to purchase on-the-go daily and weekly 4G LTE data passes ($5 for a 1 day pass up to 500 MB LTE data; $10 for a 7 day pass up to 1GB LTE data),  so they can experience T-Mobile’s data strong network.

Whether you’re a parent who wants to give your child a phone for emergencies; an international traveler who wants to keep a number while you’re in the US; a budget conscious college student who wants to add data; or just someone who doesn’t yet need unlimited talk, text and data —  the Un-carrier’s new Pay as You Go offering makes it easier than ever to switch to T-Mobile.

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