#SGGQA 219: Pixel 5a Over Heating, OnlyFans Porn Ban, Chevy Bolt Recall, Backing Levar Burton for Jeopardy!

Chevy is recalling ALL the Chevy Bolts out there. Ryan Reynolds is backing Levar Burton for Jeopardy. Apple’s phone scanning system is being criticized by NUMEROUS policy agencies. Samsung is dropping ads from their apps.

And let’s dig into the Pixel 5A a little bit…

Let’s get our tech week started right!

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Panasonic G9 https://amzn.to/2E95rKM
Panasonic 15mm f/1.7 http://amzn.to/2qWH0UZ
Panasonic 25mm f/1.7 http://amzn.to/2ohTzsd
Audio-Technica Lavalier https://amzn.to/2WywofM
Focusrite 6i6 Audio Interface http://amzn.to/2p5l7py
Shure SM57 Microphone http://amzn.to/2oypnLm
Cloudlifter CL1 http://amzn.to/2oKN9G5
LED Light Panels http://amzn.to/2oy60ls
AJA U-TAP HDMI http://amzn.to/2wfprBF
Elgato HD S http://amzn.to/2p95Unu


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2 Replies to “#SGGQA 219: Pixel 5a Over Heating, OnlyFans Porn Ban, Chevy Bolt Recall, Backing Levar Burton for Jeopardy!”

  1. Just a point on your OnlyFans discussion. You over simplified how easy it is to signup for the site. As some one who regularly talks to people that use it, its not just a driver’s licence and credit, there’s also tax info, bank accounts and a couple other bits of paper work along with release forms from all people that may appear in any content you post. One of the few times i think you opened up on a topic with out actually being remotely informed.

    1. Just a point about your comment, while you might not MEAN to sound insulting, you are. And if we’re BOTH being pedantic and insulting, NOTHING you described in terms of paperwork and verification would matter in the slightest if a performer were being exploited.

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