Review: V-Moda’s M-100 Crossfade Headphones + CoilPro and BoomPro professional cables

Since 2004, V-Moda has been offering up high quality audio solutions with stylish design. The Crossfade M-100’s follow in this tradition, and come with the handy trick of modular cabling, making them one of the more flexible solutions on the market. Let’s take a look!

V-Moda Crossfade M-100, BoomPro, and CoilPro on Amazon.
V-Moda Site

vmoda m-100 crossfade headphones review somegadgetguy 2

Review: The Kodak PIXPRO AZ522 camera with 52X Zoom

Kodak AZ522 SomeGadgetGuy

Back from the Chapter 11 ashes, JK Imaging is reviving the Kodak brand, and iterating quickly on a variety of different photography solutions.

The AZ522 is their flagship point and shoot, utilizing a crazy optical zoom. Is that long zoom enough to compete in a world of terrific smartphone cameras? Let’s take a look!

Photo Samples from the PIXPRO AZ522
Kodak Badge PIXPRO AZ522 SomeGadgetGuy Review

Gadget Bag Review: STM Blazer Small Laptop & Tablet Sleeve

Damn how I love a good gadget bag. I’m constantly on the look out for anything which might satisfy that balance of “tech friendly” and “stylish”. In this case I wanted something slim and portable. STM’s Blazer might just fit the bill.

Shop STM on Amazon.

Continue reading “Gadget Bag Review: STM Blazer Small Laptop & Tablet Sleeve”

Qualcomm Toq Update: Activity and Fitness Tracking Applet!

Qualcomm is teaching their Toq smartwatch a new trick!

I was really happy to see this, as I wasn’t completely sure if the Toq even had an accelerometer built into, but apparently it does, and this newest software update has unlocked activity tracking. It’s SUPER beta, but let’s take a look!

Continue reading “Qualcomm Toq Update: Activity and Fitness Tracking Applet!”

The Ultimate Technique for Playing Flappy Bird (Video Tutorial)

flappy bird iconThe insane difficulty of this awkwardly controlled bird navigation makes it crazy addictive. It taunts you. You can’t let it beat you.

Thankfully Youtuber DSV has provided this handy tip, which after watching it, is truly the only way to play Flappy Bird. Enjoy!

Long Term Review: Samsung ATIV S Neo on AT&T – 2 Months with a Non-Nokia Windows Phone…

I’m a fan of Windows Phone, but I’ve primarily used Nokia devices.

My one other experience with a Samsung WP was decent enough, so I felt it was time to revisit them with the ATIV S Neo on AT&T. I really wanted to give the phone a fair shake, and see if I liked Windows Phone, or if I just liked Nokia hardware.

The grand experiment. It didn’t go so well…

Continue reading “Long Term Review: Samsung ATIV S Neo on AT&T – 2 Months with a Non-Nokia Windows Phone…”

UPDATED: Sony’s Next Stage? Reforming TV Business, Selling Off PC Division

Sony logo*** Update: Enobong Etteh from joined me on Youtube to discuss all the Sony news announced today (embedded below)*** 

It seems to be the major challenge for large corporations, adapting to current market trends, and attempting reorganization.

Sony has their hands in a lot of different tech markets: phones, PC’s, TV’s, Cameras, Playstations, and media (TV/Films/Music). That’s a big ship to steer, and they’ve attempted two previous company wide reorganizations in 2009 and 2012. Ahead of their positive third quarter financial statement showing a 20% revenue increase over the same period in 2012 thanks to the PS4. Unfortunately they’re forecasting a shocking $1 Billion loss for the fiscal year, and now  Sony is announcing their next major corporate reform plans.

Their intention with TV’s is to reduce R&D costs, and streamline manufacturing. They’ve reduced losses from this division from 147 Billion Yen to 69 Billion Yen over the course of a year, and they estimate they should be able to reduce that further to 25 Billion Yen ending fiscal year 2013. They don’t expect the TV division to become profitable until early 2015 (ending fiscal year 2014).

sony-vaio-flip-575x368More drastic, Sony is also selling off their VAIO PC division. Rumors pointed to VIZIO or Lenovo possibly acquiring them, but it’s now official that Sony will be selling to Japan Industrial Partners Inc.  It’s unknown how much the PC line will be sold for. Sony will cease design and production of new PC models after the current announced line up of PC’s is released this Spring.

On top of these measures, Sony will also be cutting 5000 jobs in response to this new poor forecast. In early trading this morning Sony stock is up almost 5% following the announcements.

Enobong Etteh from joined me in a Google Hangout to discuss the announcements:

Full Sony press release below.

Continue reading “UPDATED: Sony’s Next Stage? Reforming TV Business, Selling Off PC Division”

Review: Kingston’s Encrypted USB3 Flash Drive – DataTraveler Locker+ G3

Kingston DataTraveler Locker G3 USB3 encrypted flash drive review somegadgetguy

Protect your data people!

Like their military grade offerings, this Kingston DataTraveler uses hardware encryption to lock down your data, or nuke the drive if it falls into the wrong hands. Unlike their military grade drives, this one wont break the bank…

Continue reading “Review: Kingston’s Encrypted USB3 Flash Drive – DataTraveler Locker+ G3”