Cingular Flip Phone Review: Can You Go Back to a ‘Dumb’ Phone?

Cleaning off my desk before we head out to MWC, I came across this interesting little device. A brand new flip phone in an age of ultra cheap smartphones? Can you go back to a “dumb phone”? Let’s take a look!

#SGGQA24: Lumia 950 Review Reactions, and My Favorite Gadgets of 2015

Happy New Year! Let’s say goodbye to 2015 in style with a list of my favorite gadgets and reviews of the year. Also, we’ll talk about your reactions to the Lumia 950! The first show of 2016! Make sure you’re charged and ready! It’s podcast time!

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I wrote a book! If you want to take your smartphone photography and video skills up a notch, you’ll want to read my book! ‘Take Better Photos: Smartphone Photography for Noobs!’ is now available –

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#SGGQA23: Thoughts on Smartphone Camera Comparisons, Continuum Reactions, and New Years Resolutions!

Got a packed show for you this week! We’re going to talk about why camera comparisons are usually a bit suspect. We’re going to check out your reactions to Microsoft’s Continuum, and then we’re going to chat about how we might be able to better keep our New Years Resolutions! Make sure you’re charged and ready! IT’S PODCAST TIME!

I wrote a book! If you want to take your smartphone photography and video skills up a notch, you’ll want to read my book! ‘Take Better Photos: Smartphone Photography for Noobs!’ is now available –

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I wrote a book! If you want to take your smartphone photography and video skills up a notch, you’ll want to read my book! ‘Take Better Photos: Smartphone Photography for Noobs!’ is now available –

Continue reading “#SGGQA23: Thoughts on Smartphone Camera Comparisons, Continuum Reactions, and New Years Resolutions!”

#SGGQA22: Lumia 950 First Impressions, BB Priv Review Reactions, & is Switching Phones Difficult?

Closing in on the end of the year, but the tech keeps on flowing. We have the Lumia 950 in house to talk about. We say goodbye to the BlackBerry Priv, and we chat about switching teams. Is it difficult moving to a different kind of phone? Make sure you’re charged and ready! It’s PODCAST TIME!

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I wrote a book! If you want to take your smartphone photography and video skills up a notch, you’ll want to read my book! ‘Take Better Photos: Smartphone Photography for Noobs!’ is now available –

Continue reading “#SGGQA22: Lumia 950 First Impressions, BB Priv Review Reactions, & is Switching Phones Difficult?”

#SGGQA20: Netiquette and Crappy Comments, Blackberry Priv Reactions, and Getting Ready for the Holidays!

It’s a busy time of year. Wrapping up holiday gift buying, cooking great food, and scrambling to finish up reviews on killer gadgets! This episode we also talk about comments etiquette, and I share my first impressions on the Blackberry Priv! Make sure you’re charged and ready! IT’S PODCAST TIME!

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Ask Juan: Why do Dark Lines Form on Photos Shot Under Fluorescent Lights?

Got a question from a reader on Twitter over some strange camera performance.

The first time I ran into something similar on my DSLR I had a minor panic attack that my sensor was damaged. While it can be frustrating to deal with, it’s a fairly common issue we face with consumer fluorescent lights.

The light that comes from a bulb is not constant. The electricity we use is AC, or alternating current, and cycles between 50 or 60 times a second. This refresh rate is fast enough that the human eye perceives it as constant. You can also think about film and video, where 24fps and faster frame rates produces fluid movement, even though each individual frame is a still photo. Continue reading “Ask Juan: Why do Dark Lines Form on Photos Shot Under Fluorescent Lights?”

#SGGQA 11: iPhone and iPad Announcements, Samsung Comparisons, and YOUR Tech Questions!

On this week’s show we’re talking about the recent news from Apple. They’ve unveiled what are sure to be some of the highest selling phones and tablets of the year. We’re also looking back on some of our Samsung comparison videos, and answering YOUR questions and comments about all things tech! Make sure you’re charged and ready! It’s podcast time!

Apple Keynote 1st Impressions
iPad Pro vs Surface Pro 3
Hijinks Ensue Predicts the Apple Keyboard cover THREE years ago

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#SGGQA 10: IFA Highlights, Best Lifestyle Smartphone Features, and YOUR Galaxy Note 5 Reactions!

On this week’s show we look at some of the highlights from IFA in Berlin, we talk about our favorite lifestyle features in our phones, share some responses to last week’s CTA, and read YOUR replies to my Samsung Galaxy Note 5 reviews! Make sure you’re charged and ready.  It’s PODCAST TIME!

Also, check out my friend Jaclyn’s Youtube channel, where she talks about oceanography and cool undersea creatures! Next week we’ll be working together on some videos covering ocean science and technology! I might get to play with some sharks…

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