Audeze MM-100 Headphones Long Term Review: For Work AND Play!

Audeze MM-100 Review!

I’m a sucker for a good planar magnetic headphone. Audeze has a fun hook here, promising tuning and performance for both audiophiles and people who work in recording.

Are these finally the cans you can use for both work and play?

I THINK THEY ARE! Continue reading “Audeze MM-100 Headphones Long Term Review: For Work AND Play!”

Audeze Maxwell Review: A Fantastic Headphone Makes for a GREAT Gaming Headset!

Audeze Maxwell long term review!

I LOVE planar magnetic headphones, and I’ve been a long-time fan of Audeze. Maxwell has been out for a little while now, and taking a good long listen, I think I FINALLY have a replacement for my Mobius gaming headset.

Maxwell is something special… Continue reading “Audeze Maxwell Review: A Fantastic Headphone Makes for a GREAT Gaming Headset!”

Audeze Euclid Planar Magnetic Earbuds: The Price of Perfection

Audeze Euclid review!

Let’s not beat around the bush here, these earbuds are incredible. Packing a planar magnetic driver into each case, the Euclid deliver unparalleled audio quality. With such an exotic build though, we should also expect an exotic price tag.

Let’s chat END GAME audio! Continue reading “Audeze Euclid Planar Magnetic Earbuds: The Price of Perfection”

Audeze CRBN: $4500 Headphones! Electrostatic Technology Built for UCLA!

Audeze’s FIRST Electrostatic Headphones!

These kinda blew my mind.

The CRBN are PREMIUM tier headphones, but beyond just “sounding gooder”, they come from a real medical grade need. The story of how they were built, in cooperation with UCLA, is kind of incredible.

I was excited to take a listen, and here are my thoughts!

Audeze CRBN UCLA Announcement Continue reading “Audeze CRBN: $4500 Headphones! Electrostatic Technology Built for UCLA!”

Audeze Mobius and Spatial Audio in 2021: I got it wrong two years ago…

Audeze Mobius REVISITED!

I spent a VERY little time with the Audeze Mobius while producing some content for Newegg. Now, with Spatial audio becoming more popular, it’s a good time to look back. Does this premium experiment hold up today? Is 3D Audio a practical feature or a fad? In a world of Airpods Max, can this headset be worth it?

Let’s take a listen! Continue reading “Audeze Mobius and Spatial Audio in 2021: I got it wrong two years ago…”

Audeze LCD-1 Review: My FIRST Planar Magnetic Headphones! WOW!

I’m embarrassed to admit I’ve never test driven planar magnetic headphones. They always seemed a bit TOO exotic, or a little TOO pricey.

Audeze was looking to school me on my preconceived bias, and I’m glad they did. Let’s have a chat about some premium cans! Continue reading “Audeze LCD-1 Review: My FIRST Planar Magnetic Headphones! WOW!”

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