H2O Audio Tri 2 Pro Bone Conduction Headphones: TOO Sporty for Me?

I’m a BIG fan of bone conduction headphones, but even these might be a bit above my pay grade!

You’ve got to build audio to a different level to cater to folks competing in triathlons. For someone how takes casual hikes out in the hills, I’m definitely not working this headset as hard as it can go. For the folks who NEED that kind of capability though, I think they’re in for a treat… Continue reading “H2O Audio Tri 2 Pro Bone Conduction Headphones: TOO Sporty for Me?”

AfterShokz OpenComm: Free Your Ears! Get Work Done!

Bluetooth bone conduction headset! Now with a nicer microphone!

Aftershokz is THE name for consumer bone conduction audio. The OpenComm is a fresh take on their sport headsets, focusing on productivity and office communication. How does “open ear” handle working at home?

Let’s take a listen! Continue reading “AfterShokz OpenComm: Free Your Ears! Get Work Done!”

OnePlus 7 Pro: WORTH IT??? – Can we talk about “worth”?

OnePlus 7 Pro first impressions! Can we talk about value? What happens when a budget brand tries to move upscale? The OP7 Pro offers up a different solution than the OnePlus 6T, so how should we adjust our metrics for grading it? Let’s have a chat about “Worth-It-Ness”…
Continue reading “OnePlus 7 Pro: WORTH IT??? – Can we talk about “worth”?”

Aftershokz Trekz Air: The Best Headphones for the Outdoors

If you workout outdoors, or just want to soundtrack an activity like walking the dog, bone conduction is the way to go. Aftershokz newest headset is lighter, features better audio quality, and thankfully doesn’t sacrifice on battery life. Keep your ears open!

Aftershokz Trekz Air https://goo.gl/SzikjN

Continue reading “Aftershokz Trekz Air: The Best Headphones for the Outdoors”

Deaf Youtuber Hears Music Better with AfterShokz Bone Conduction Headphones

I’m a big fan of AfterShokz headphones. Bone conduction is a terrific technology, and the Bluez 2 might just be the safest headphones you can wear outdoors.

vishal playing violinI recently got a message from a young Youtuber named Vishal who posts videos of himself playing piano and violin. He’s a remarkable young man, a talented musician who was born with a condition called Microtia and Aural Atresia, which means he was born without ear canals.

Doctors told his parents he would be deaf and mute, but Vishal’s father introduced him to music at a fairly young age, and thanks to bone conduction hearing aids, he participates in school much like a hearing child might.

After watching one of my reviews on AfterShokz headphones, his father thought they would be worth a try to see if they would be an improvement over the hearing aid he has worn most of his life.

They documented their unboxing and first impressions of the AfterShokz M3 Headphones which you can watch below.

Real Person Review: Tony Leaves His Blackberry for a Kyocera Brigadier

kyocera brigadier review somegadgetguy front screen[Tony is a retired firefighter, and was kind enough to share his early impressions of his first Android phone, a Kyocera Brigadier on Verizon Wireless.]

How Do You Like the Build Quality?

It’s big and clunky. It reminds me of old school BlackBerry phones. I had a BB 8700 that could take a hit. My more recent Torch, not as much. The Brigadier feels more noticeably more durable. For someone like me who occasionally tests the ballistic quality of hardware, this is the perfect device for me.

From a regular perspective. The sound is good, the picture is good.  I’ve watched video on the (720p) screen. I don’t play games, so I don’t know if it’ll be good for that.

Call quality is good. I had no idea what the term “tissue conduction” meant, but the ear piece is really loud and it’s easy to hear callers.

[The Brigadier screen is actually a large bone conduction surface allowing users to hear calls in loud environments and with ear plugs.]

I’m still unsure about battery life. It’s a little too early to tell if it’ll compare to my BB. My only complaint there is that it does have a built-in internal battery. I liked being able to replace the battery on my Torch. I would carry extras when I knew I was going to be away from a power source. I did buy a portable external battery for the Kyocera, so we’ll see if that is equally practical.

And the Sapphire Screen?

There is a video of a person trying to scratch the screen with a penknife to no avail. I don’t intend to do that on purpose.

In switching to the Brigadier, you also swapped carriers, how has that transition been?

I switched from ATT to Verizon. Verizon has great coverage but I lack 4G LTE coverage inside our condo. It literally works 10’ outside my door. Go figure. What I like about Verizon other than its coverage is that I can turn off that annoying message that tells people to wait for the tone. Like anyone whose been alive during the last 40 years wouldn’t know that. I hate wasting my time and others and all that message did was chew up air time.

Are there Android replacements for your favorite BB features?

kyocera brigadier review somegadgetguy back plateOne thing I miss from my BB is the autotext feature. I liked the ability to type in an acronym and have it expand to the whole word. I didn’t know that on Android those features aren’t in the “OS” but in the keyboard app. I didn’t realize I had more than one keyboard until yesterday. I just started playing with Google Keyboard which can do something similar for shortcut text, but it’s not the same as the BB.

My wife also replaced her BB with a Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini. It feels like it would snap in a strong wind, but it’s a bit more portable by comparison. We are now officially a BB free household. Too bad, they’ve had some good products over the years but seem to have missed the boat on the smartphone market.

After test driving a Nokia, I knew I was going to get an Android. I use a lot of Google services for contacts, mail, and calendar. I already use Google Drive. I bought extra capacity. It works great, and it’s saved us a lot of grief for syncing info.

Thank you Tony for taking the time to share your experiences! 

If you would like to be featured in a Real Person Review, hit our contact page to share your thoughts on your favorite tech and gadgets!

Review: The AfterShokz Sportz M2 Bone Conduction Headphones with Microphone (video)

Aftershockz spotz m2 bone conduction headphones with mic somegadgetguy reviewIt’s like listening to the future.

Bone conduction is a fascinating tech which is starting to work its way into the consumer space. The ability to interact with audio without blocking or covering your natural sense of hearing is like having a super power. Plus this tech should encourage safer behavior from people who use headphones while jogging or (cringe) operating a motor vehicle.

Plus they’re even cheaper on Amazon than when I originally shot this video: http://goo.gl/6PgjVU

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