CCA C16 Earbuds Review: 8 Drivers PER EAR are CRAZY!

We’re in a headphone driver arms race. Consumer dual drivers were novel. Triple drivers were exotic. Then four and five driver earbuds blew out minds. But eight. Eight is getting a bit crazy. CCA earns their price, this is a unique and interesting sound for a pair of in ear monitors, but my feelings on these buds are a bit complicated… Let’s chat… Continue reading “CCA C16 Earbuds Review: 8 Drivers PER EAR are CRAZY!”

CCA C10 Earbuds Review: FIVE Drivers per Ear for $40!

CCA C10 review! Less than $5 per driver! What a ridiculous metric to measure the cost of earbuds. CCA packs in a TON of drivers and the total package will cost around $40. This is a crazy brute force build of audio hardware, so how does it stack up to the competition? Let’s take a listen! Continue reading “CCA C10 Earbuds Review: FIVE Drivers per Ear for $40!”