Samsung Donates $50,000 to LA Habitat for Humanity at #DITCHtheDSLR Event in Hollywood

I finally said goodbye to my old Canon Rebel. Samsung made the pain of giving it away easier by allowing me to trade it in for a new NX30 mirrorless camera. The event in Hollywood also featured a Guinness World Record selfie chain, and showcased Samsung’s charitable side with a $50,000 donation to the LA chapter of Habitat for Humanity!

Shop the Samsung NX30 on Amazon.
Shop the Samsung NX Mini on Amazon.

Friday Fun: Bill Gates Takes Ice Bucket Challenge to the Next Level!

You can always count on Gates to take it up a notch!

Bill Gates accepts Mark Zuckerberg’s ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and nominates Elon Musk, Ryan Seacrest and Chris Anderson from TED to participate and raise awareness for ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.

Habitat for Humanity and AT&T Digitial Life Revitalize U.S. Communities

AT&T Digital Life Helps Revitalize Atlanta with Habitat for HumaKicking off at an event on April 10th, AT&T Digital Life employees will work alongside a Habitat for Humanity homeowner family to build a new home in Atlanta.

As part of a $150,000 donation from Digital Life, this will be the first of several future events in cities like LA, New York, and Seattle as part of a community revitalization collaboration with Habitat.

“We’re all about giving homeowners peace of mind. As a result, we’re compelled to work with Habitat for Humanity to help those who need the security that owning a home can provide,” said Kevin
Petersen, senior vice president, Digital Life, Inc. “Giving back through home builds across the country and in our hometown of Atlanta feels right.”

Full PR below for more info on the partnership.

Continue reading “Habitat for Humanity and AT&T Digitial Life Revitalize U.S. Communities”

Los Angeles: Holiday Pet Portraits for Charity – The Tailwaggers Foundation & Project Angel Food

Santa PawsTech blog though this may be, I have a soft spot for our furry family members.

The Tailwaggers Foundation provides funds to 501 C non-profit organizations who provide treatment to sick and injured animals. They’ll be holding two charity events in LA. The first in West Hollywood December 7 and 8, and the second in Hollywood December 14 and 15. Bring your pet to get his or her picture taken with Santa Paws and Mrs. Claws! Photos are $20, and all proceeds from these two events will go towards helping sick and injured animals around the country and helping supply Project Angel Food, which helps feed people suffering from HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other life threatening illnesses.

For more info please check out and

Full press release with all the details after the jump, and for no good reason, here’s a pic of my pup.

biggelow bear the shar pei sleeping under his blanket

Continue reading “Los Angeles: Holiday Pet Portraits for Charity – The Tailwaggers Foundation & Project Angel Food”

One Today brings charitable crowd-funding to your smartphone – 1 new cause every day.

WP_20131122_19_11_06_ProWhat could you do with $1? Probably not a lot right.

Well what could 100 people do if they each chipped in a dollar? A thousand people? A million?

It’s the spirit of giving, and it’s important that we check in from time to time. Our tech can be used for trivial things and terrific things.

When it comes to crowd-funding, million dollar projects take up most of the mind share, but we haven’t completely exhausted the idea of bringing a crowd of people to contribute money to an idea. One Today is one possible solution for finding and funding.  A new project is highlighted every day, and users can decide whether they wish to contribute a dollar.

Projects run the gamut of social causes, from protecting coral reef, to fighting malaria, or contributing to the World Food Program. A new cause every day is served up right to your phone.

The idea of small, painless transactions makes a lot of sense. Even a relatively small group can quickly build a significant amount of capital. To that end, just as you might easily share a picture on social networking, One Today provides participants with easy tools to help spread the word on causes they care about.

Google One Today

One Today on Google Play

Humble Mobile Bundle 3 – Pay what you want for 6 Android games and support charities

hmb3_newsletterJust a quick heads up folks!

Humble Mobile Bundle 3 is ready to roll. For those of you not hip to the Humble Bundle, it’s a collection sold by the developers, artists, musicians, or writers under a “pay what you want” model. This bundle is a collection of Android games: EPOCH, rymdkapsel, SpellTower, Swordigo, Ridiculous Fishing, and Kingdom Rush. To get all six games, you have to pay more than the average price, which at the time of this writing was under $5. Less than a dollar an app.

At checkout you can decide how much to pay, and how much of your payment will go to the Humble Bundle team, the app developers, and to the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child’s Play Charities. And keep an eye out for future bundles. I’ve gotten some great albums, e-book collections, and PC games through this site.

Get to it folks! These games aren’t going to buy themselves!

Humble Mobile Bundle 3!

Hidden Path Entertainment teams up with Operation Supply Drop to send Soldiers games and gear

2nd-Annual-Pinup-webLast year Operation Supply Drop donated $58,000 in games and gear to soldiers deployed and in military hospitals. This year they’re looking to top it.

On November 9th, they’ll be hosting their second 24-hour gaming marathon to raise funds and donations. You can get in on the action by having friends, family, and followers sponsor you by the hour. If you think you can hang gaming for a whole day straight that is. You can officially sign up your team on the 8-Bit Salute page on CrowdRise.

One of my favorite game developers has already pledged a very generous donation. Hidden Path Entertainment makes one of my all time favorite tower defense games Defense Grid, and they’ve already promised $20,000 in game codes for the cause. They join Treyarch who sent in a Call of Duty care pack earlier this month.

Play games AND support our Troops? It’s a win-win folks. More info at:

Microsoft intros Office 365 for Nonprofits

office 365 logoMicrosoft donates about $2 Million worth of software every day to nonprofits as part of their Technology for Good initiative. Now Microsoft is adding Office 365 to their grant initiative, providing organizations free access to business grade document and presentation solutions.

Office 365 now joins Windows 8, Windows Server, and Visual Studio on the list of donation-ware for qualifying organizations, and should be available in over 90 countries by the summer of 2014.

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