The Best Mobile Controller I Can’t Use: GameSir G8+ Review!

Gamesir G8+ Galileo review!

Mobile controllers are REALLY good these days, and this might be one of the best on the market today! Not only a good wireless solution, the G8+ might be a good solution for PC gamers too!

So… Why can’t I use it? Continue reading “The Best Mobile Controller I Can’t Use: GameSir G8+ Review!”

ROG Tessen Controller Review: The Best Fit for ANY Phone!

ROG Tessen Review!

I have a love/hate relationship with game controllers for our phones. The controllers that stretch out and clamp to the sides of our phones often dont account for phones that have BIG camera housings.

Asus delivers one of the best solutions I’ve ever used for compatibility. Continue reading “ROG Tessen Controller Review: The Best Fit for ANY Phone!”

Gamesir X3 Controller AND Cooler for Android Phones! Keep game play cool!

Gamesir X3 review!

Playing games on your phone can make your phone run warm. Adding a cooler means you might not be able to use a controller and vice versa.

Gamesir has the solution! The X3 controller includes a peltier cooler. Better controls AND cooler performance! Continue reading “Gamesir X3 Controller AND Cooler for Android Phones! Keep game play cool!”

Valve Shows Off New Steam Controller on Youtube

steam controller game pad steamos somegadgetguyThe more I see from this thing, the more curious I am to try it out. These high-res “owl-eye” sensors, instead of dual analog sticks, look like they could give controller players a nice step up.

Valve details the new set up for their up coming Steam boxes in this video. Sit back, settle in, and enjoy the next four minutes and twenty five seconds of game play demonstration with Valve’s new hardware.

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