Urban Armor Gear Rugged Phone Case Review Round Up

The folks at UAG heard about my experiences wrecking a Galaxy Note 5 and took pity on me. It would be more accurate to say they took pity on my other review gadgets, and they sent over a trio of rugged bumper cases.

Checking out solutions for the Galaxy S6 Edge+, Apple iPhone 6S, and LG V10, it was interesting seeing which phones needed more protection, and which phones felt like this case might be overkill. Here are full reviews for all three cases!

UAG Case for Galaxy S6 Edge+

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Review: OtterBox Symmetry Bumper Case for LG G3

I’ve been a long time fan of OtterBox Cases. Their new Symmetry line of bumper cases seeks to balance style, durability, and ease of use. Do they live up to hype? Let’s take a look…

Shop OtterBox Symmetry on Amazon.
More info on OtterBox Products.

Review: JimmyCase Wood Bumper Wallet Case for iPhone 6 – Handmade in Los Angeles!

I like unique and funky style! I like Natural Fiber cases for our electronics! I like supporting local jobs! The JimmyCase nails all three! Let’s take a look at their wallet bumper case for the iPhone 6!

More info on JimmyCase: http://thejimmycase.com/

SomeGadgetGuy’s Favorite Finds from CES 2015

CES this year saw a tremendous number of “evolution” announcements. There weren’t any mind-blowing reveals, but we saw an entire industry looking to iterate and improve on products far faster than previous entries into new territory. Where wearable tech and home automation were buzzwords last year, we saw real practical application this year.

Every show, my goal is to find something I think is cool. It might not be the most practical, or revolutionary, but I want to see a company try something different, something novel. Here are a few of my favorite finds from this year’s show floor!

Click on ANY of the pics below to watch our video coverage from the show floor!

Continue reading “SomeGadgetGuy’s Favorite Finds from CES 2015”

Review: OtterBox Defender Rugged Case for Nokia Lumia Icon (930)

Taking flagship smartphones out into rugged conditions can be a dicey proposition. The Lumia Icon is built solidly for day to day bumps and bruises, but it’s not really designed to be thrown around in rough situations. Thankfully OtterBox has a solution to improve that…

Shop the Lumia Icon Defender Case on Amazon.
More info on OtterBox products: http://www.otterbox.com/

iPhone 6 Defender Case Review
How the *#&^% Do You Remove an OtterBox Case?!?!?

Review: OtterBox Defender for iPhone 6 – Excellent Durability, More Attractive

I’ve been a long time fan of OtterBox cases, and since the weather has been so nice lately, I thought it would be a nice change of pace to get out of my office to review the new Defender case for the iPhone 6!

Shop the Defender case on Amazon.
More info on OtterBox Products.
How the hell do you remove a defender case???

CTIA 2014 – OtterBox iPhone 6 Cases and Alpha Glass Privacy Shield

OtterBox was on the CTIA showing off their new cases due to arrive soon after the launch of the iPhone 6. The Defender is getting an even more durable hard shell in an overall slimmer form factor, and they’ll be releasing a new privacy filter Alpha Glass screen protector.

How the #%@& do you remove an OtterBox Defender Case?

CTA2014 – Verus Wallet and Credit Card Cases for the iPhone 6!

Verus is a new find for me, and I’m already becoming a big fan of their cases. They were at Showstoppers during CTIA2014 to show off their new line of cases for the iPhone 6!

Review: Verus Iron Shield case for the LG G3!
Shop Verus Cases on Amazon.
More info on Verus Cases.

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