Creator Chat: Dr. Ian Cutress – What Benchmarks Actually Matter? (Tech Tech Potato, Anandtech)

As techies, we probably care more than most that we’re getting the best performance bang for our hard earned buck. Dr. Ian Cutress drops by to share some of his experiences with benchmarking computers and working with manufacturers.

Maybe I also hit Dr. Cutress up for some free tech therapy… Continue reading “Creator Chat: Dr. Ian Cutress – What Benchmarks Actually Matter? (Tech Tech Potato, Anandtech)”

#SGGQA 161: Creator Chat – Isa Rodriguez – Isa Does Tech!

The goal is always to broaden our horizons. To really listen to more voices in the creator space, and check out different points of view. It’s never fun when our hobby becomes an echo chamber.

Isa has been a pal of mine for years, contributing to tech commentary at larger publications, but has taken it on herself to host her own style of review on her personal YouTube channel.

That’s a key word. Style. Isa Does Tech has only been around for about a year, but from her first video published, she approaches her commentary with a polished presentation, and a lot of style.

It’s not all roses though, she had a lot to share on the challenges of being a tech reviewer, when you have something a little different to say about consumer electronics. Continue reading “#SGGQA 161: Creator Chat – Isa Rodriguez – Isa Does Tech!”

#SGGQA 159: Creator Chat – TK BAY RETURNS!

One more follow up podcast for your listening pleasure!

My good friend TK Bay is back!

My first interview for this creator chat series, TK returns to chat about some of the changes he’s made producing content, moving on from XDA to focus on his own channels, and how the monetization game has changed looking at YouTube and Amazon.

100 podcasts later, and TK has actually been living the advice he gave in our first conversation. I owe him a ramen run when our favorite noodle shop re-opens.

Continue reading “#SGGQA 159: Creator Chat – TK BAY RETURNS!”

#SGGQA 157: Creator Chat – Adam Doud from ‘The Benefit of the Doud’ Podcast is Back!

Our second return appearance on this show!

My pal, podcaster extraordinaire, Adam Doud is back!

Adam is a passionate advocate for the art of podcasting, but from his first appearance on Creator Chat to now, he’s changed up his production.

Previously working under another company’s media umbrella, those older podcasts were discontinued. Adam had a lot to say about those podcasts getting closed out, and what it was like striking out on his own to start up his new show, The Benefit of the Doud podcast.

Continue reading “#SGGQA 157: Creator Chat – Adam Doud from ‘The Benefit of the Doud’ Podcast is Back!”

#SGGQA 155: Creator Chat – Enobong Etteh from BooredatWork RETURNS!

Our first return appearance on this show. My buddy Enobong Etteh from BooredatWork is dropping by to follow up on our previous conversation. Making changes to a channel can be stressful. BooredatWork pivoted on smartphone and gaming content, and E had a lot to share about how his audience reacted to that change in coverage.

E also had some feelings to share on the current political issues facing our country, on the protests, and how it’s affecting the tech community. We’re going to be discussing some raw topics, but Enobong’s style is always thoughtful and considered.

Continue reading “#SGGQA 155: Creator Chat – Enobong Etteh from BooredatWork RETURNS!”

#SGGQA 149: Creator Chat – Vyyyper! The Captain of Team Apple!

The game has changed.

What YouTube looks like today for a new creator is a completely different than what I experienced coming up. I’ve mentioned on this podcast that I think it looks like a more difficult path building an audience and monetizing a channel.

Over the last couple years, one of my favorite channels to follow is hosted by Vyyyper. The man about tech. The self-proclaimed captain of team apple. He’s putting out high energy, entertaining tech commentary, and he’s been collaborating with high profile channels to talk about cool gadgets. Continue reading “#SGGQA 149: Creator Chat – Vyyyper! The Captain of Team Apple!”

#SGGQA 147: Creator Chat – Joshua Vergara on Tech, Tea, and Gratitude

A community is like a garden. With some care and attention, you grow community you want. You wouldn’t want to put all your energy into building a community of poison ivy.

Joshua Vergara is one of the more thoughtful creators I follow. I particularly appreciate his focus on the lifestyle side while reviewing lifestyle tech. He took a little time to chat about what it was like moving from one smartphone publication to another, how he got started shooting video reviews, and we took a little time to catch up and chat about tea.

Continue reading “#SGGQA 147: Creator Chat – Joshua Vergara on Tech, Tea, and Gratitude”

#SGGQA 145: Creator Chat – Nick Gray on rebuilding Phandroid

Welcome to another creator chat on the SGGQA podcast channel. An occasional series of interviews, where we get to hear from folks making cool things on the internet.

Building something new can be really difficult, but reviving a quiet channel is a whole different can of worms.

Algorithms and popularity, reaching out to lapsed community members while interacting with new community members. Even sorting out your commenter troll strategy.

Nick Gray is one of the tech reviewers I’ve followed the longest in my career. I remember sorting through his articles as I was getting into Windows Mobile PDA’s. Today he’s set his on rebuilding one of the original Android internet publications. He took some time to chat about the challenges of bringing a news site back from the dead.

Continue reading “#SGGQA 145: Creator Chat – Nick Gray on rebuilding Phandroid”

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