#SGGQA 143: Creator Chat – Jason Howell from All About Android

Welcome to another creator chat on the SGGQA podcast channel. An occasional series of interviews, where we get to hear from folks making cool things on the internet.

There’s something so surreal about producing these interviews. Whenever I listen to podcasts, I have a running conversation playing out in my head with the podcast hosts. Those times I’ve been a guest on All About Android, there’s always a moment when it hits me.

I’m not just playing this out in my head, the hosts are actually replying to me.
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#SGGQA 107: Creator Chat – Production, PR, and Movies with Enobong Etteh from BooredAtWork

I’ve said it before, and I’ll likely say it again, but change is in the air. Friends and colleagues in the world of online content creation, we all seem to be looking at where we each fit. Some are focusing on an individual platform, while others, like my guest for this podcast, are spreading the wealth, and finding audiences around the web.

It shouldn’t come as any major surprise that one of the main reasons I like hosting these interviews, getting to spend more time chatting with my friends. For online producers, the people we meet on social media quickly become our work pals and colleagues.

I worked with Enobong Etteh from Booredatwork, for months online before we got to meet at a trade show, and we continued collaborating for years after on podcasts and gadget reviews. We regularly ramble on about technology, pr relationships, and always manage to get side tracked by our fandom for film and TV.  Enobong took some time to chat about his experiences working online, and where he might consider taking his channel next.

That’s enough from me, let’s jump into a little love fest with my best online buddy.


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#SGGQA 102: Creator Chat with Trisha Hershberger – From YouTube, to Twitch, and Beyond!

I’ve said it before, and I’ll likely say it again, but change is in the air. Friends and colleagues in the world of online content creation, we all seem to be looking at where we each fit. Some are focusing on an individual platform, while others, like my guest for this podcast, are spreading the wealth, and finding audiences around the web.

Trisha Hershberger is one of my dearest friends, I don’t think I’ve met anyone with the same brute force hustle she displays on a daily basis. The online game has changed a lot since she started hosting and streaming content, but few have adapted to these changing trends as gracefully.

There’s a lot someone can learn, hearing where she came from, and she has some fun news to share. Let’s jump in! Here’s a conversation with That Girl Trish.

Continue reading “#SGGQA 102: Creator Chat with Trisha Hershberger – From YouTube, to Twitch, and Beyond!”

#SGGQA 097: Creator Chat – Chatting Podcasting with Adam Doud

Keeping up the hustle.

Podcasting has emerged as a premier entertainment content form. Mixing one part old school radio, with one part tech distribution, and thankfully, remains an open platform to all. There is no one winner of podcasts, there is no gatekeeper. Anyone can put out their own feed.

My guest for this creator chat is buddy of mine from Pocketnow, who has since moved on to producer several podcasts ranging on a number of different tech topics. Adam Doud (DGit Daily, Android Authority, The Sound Guys) has also become something of an advocate for the art form, regularly talking about podcasting, and highlighting his favorite shows.

He took a little time out of a very busy production schedule to share some of his thoughts on the state of podcasting, and had quite a bit to say on how someone might get started in this industry.


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#SGGQA 089: Creator Chat – Jon Rettinger and Life After TechnoBuffalo

Lot’s of our favorite online content creators are making a pivot. Change can be scary, but far too often we focus on the negative reasons why someone might be making a change, rather than looking at some of the positive aspects of trying something new.

My guest this week really doesn’t need much of an introduction. Jon Rettinger was the President and Chief Editor at TechnoBuffalo, but sought greener pastures (Get it? Buffalo? Pastures?). He wanted a return to more focused video production. What does that look like in this current age of online media?

I really wanted Jon to be a part of this semi-regular podcast series. The changes he initiated on his personal YouTUbe channel are refreshing, and for some of us deep in the weeds, there’s a lot we can learn here.

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#SGGQA 084: Anatomy of a Headphone Review – Creator Chat with EL JEFE Reviews

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Welcome to another creator chat on the SGGQA podcast channel!

Headphones. We take our ears for granted, but living in a renaissance of high quality listening options, headphones are way too much fun not to take seriously. Taking some time tonight to chat with EL JEFE Reviews, and take a look at what goes into a good headphone review. What do we like? What do we listen to? What do we listen on? Join the conversation! It’ll be fun. Your ears are worth it.

Check out EL JEFE’s great audio reviews http://youtube.com/c/ELJefeReviews 

Download this week’s podcast – SGGQA 084 (RSS subscription links below)
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#SGGQA 066: Creator Chat – Florence Ion from All About Android

Welcome to another creator chat on the SGGQA podcast channel!

There’s just something in the air. I’d almost go so far as to call it an existential conflict. For a number of creators that have been at this game for a while, many of my friends are shifting gears, looking at how to keep things fresh. When you depend on your creativity to pay the bills, it puts a lot of pressure on a very finite resource. Your attention, your skills.

Flo Ion is one of my favorite voices in the consumer tech space. She seems to effortlessly move from corny jokes in a smartphone podcast, to joining heavy political discussions, and she’s not afraid to make a discussion personal. But that’s the trick isn’t it. The people who are really good at hosting and joining a discussion make it look easy. Keeping a regular production schedule while pitching freelance articles. Staying passionate about the subjects you cover. Carving out a little time for family, for friends, and for yourself. It’s a marathon. It takes a respectable amount of discipline. And Flo has a lot to say on that subject…

Download this week’s podcast – SGGQA 066 (RSS subscription links below)
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#SGGQA 064: Creator Chat – Yuri Lowenthal on Spider-Man and Orbital Redux

Welcome to another creator chat on the SGGQA podcast channel!

Let’s talk about getting projects finished. How our own expectations might get in the way when we’re working on our passion projects. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not very common to see someone finish what they set out to make.

This week my guest just happens to represent one of my longest lasting friendships in Hollywood, so please excuse the love that I’m gonna gush all over this guy. As our careers have shifted, and we’ve grown our families, we don’t get to talk as often as we’d probably like.

Yuri Lowenthal is an incredible actor, writer, producer, and all around super cool guy. I rewrote this intro several times, just trying to properly set the stage for his prolific body of work. Animation, television, feature films, video games, web series, building audiences and friendships with every project he works on, in every genre.

Most recently the voice of Peter Parker in Spider-Man on the PS4, and starring in an astoundingly ambitious live action sci fi series called Orbital Redux on The Nerdist, but this guy also has an IMDB credit list longer than my torso.

I could probably spend as long celebrating Yuri as our actual conversation took to record, but he just has that affect on people. So I’m gonna get out of the way here, and let’s talk to Mr. Lowenthal about making cool things for people to enjoy.

Download this week’s podcast – SGGQA 064 (RSS subscription links below)
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