The Headphone Jack Should Die! Geek Debate!

The debate is TODAY! 4:30pm EST / 1:30pm PST!

The plug we use to power headphones has been around for over a century. Is it time to get rid of it for a better connector? Is wireless the way to go? We need a Geek Debate! Ron Richards from All About Android and Enobong Etteh from Booredatwork will hammer out the pros and cons of cabled audio, and YOU get to decide the winner! Watch the live stream RIGHT HERE, or join the live chat on YouTube!

Geek Debate Participants:
Enobong Etteh
Ron Richards

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Buy a new mid-range phone, or last year’s flagship? Twitter responds!

It’s a common debate for savvy shoppers looking to buy their next phone. Should you buy a new, less expensive phone, or should you buy a flagship phone from the year before. Opening up this question on Twitter over the weekend, I got some excellent response from people, bringing up numerous ideas to consider.

Overwhelmingly, people responding seemed to side with buying a year-old flagship: Continue reading “Buy a new mid-range phone, or last year’s flagship? Twitter responds!”

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