Amazon announces brand new Kindle Paperwhite eReader

The all-new Kindle Paperwhite (Photo: Business Wire)In other Amazon news, after dropping the bomb on ebook purchasing with MatchBook, You’ll probably want some shiny new hardware to read all those digital books on yeah?

Amazon took the wraps off of the new digital ink Kindle Paperwhite. Boasting faster page rendering, a higher contrast screen, improved touch capabilities, and a brighter glow for night time readers. I’m personally very happy to see products continue to utilize e-ink. It really is the best high tech reading experience on the market, as it nearly perfectly resembles the printed page without the cycling of an LCD. After reading for hours my eyes don’t have that buzzy feeling like they do after reading on my Nexus 7. Plus e-ink is MUCH easier to see in direct sun. Just like paper.

New Paperwhite Kindles will sell for $119 for WiFi models which serve special offers and $139 if you want to skip those ads. Those models are ready to ship now. Come November a 3G enabled version will also hit the market for those who like to buy their books on the go.

Full PR after the jump.

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Kindle Matchbook aims to move your paper book collection into the cloud.

kindle matchbook ebook somegadgetguyWhat’s the biggest complaint most consumers have with the ebook market? I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard people wish they could get digital copies of the physical books they buy. Like music, when buying a CD often we get an MP3 version, whether we rip it ourselves r if it comes included in the purchase.

Well Amazon looks like they’re taking the first steps in making our dual format wishes a reality. MatchBook looks at your previous new book purchases dating back to 1995 and offers you the ability to buy an ultra-cheap digital license for that book. Prices range from $2.99 to free for your cloud version, and this offer wont be applicable to books purchased second hand through the Amazon Market Place.

If you re-read books like I do, or if you maybe “share” your Kindle account with a buddy, this is welcome news. MatchBook is set to launch in October, and 10,000 titles are already on board from authors like Neil Gaiman, Michael Crichton, and Ray Bradbury.

Full Amazon press release after the jump:

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