Chargetech Plug Pro 54K Battery Review – Mother Of All Batteries

THIS THING IS HUGE! Do you need to power a gaming laptop while on the go? This might be your jam! A crazy 53,600mAh capacity, outputting up to 250W, and with a pair of international outlets for all cables, chargers, and connectors. It’s a MONSTER. Let’s check it out!

Chargetech IndieGoGo Plug page…

I wrote a book! If you want to take your smartphone photography and video skills up a notch, you’ll want to read my book! ‘Take Better Photos: Smartphone Photography for Noobs!’ is now available –

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Gear Review: IntoCircuit 13,000 mAh Power Castle Portable Battery

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Back in October 2014 I reviewed the IntoCircuit 11200 mAh Power Bank. Today we are looking at IntoCircuit’s 13000 mAh Power Bank.

Not much has changed aesthetically for the IntoCircuit power bank. The body of the battery has a nice brushed aluminum finish which measures 5.1″ X 0.9″ X 3.1″.

It might be a little too bulky to keep in your pocket, however it will fit nicely in your backpack, messenger bag, or purse. At the end of the power bank you will find a durable rubber face with a 1 Amp USB charging port, a 2.1 Amp USB charging port, and the MicroUSB port to recharge the power bank. Instead of a “four dot” capacity readout, you get a nice LED status bar showing your power bank’s charge percentage!

Also on board is an LED flashlight that does a pretty good job lighting up the night. The Intocircuit 13000mAh power bank comes with a nice velvet bag to keep the aluminum finish from getting scratched.

Continue reading “Gear Review: IntoCircuit 13,000 mAh Power Castle Portable Battery”

CTIA 2014 First Look – Ventev Powercell 10000+ Portable Battery

I like BIG POWER! Portable batteries are great accessories, and Ventev has a feature on their new Powercell 10000+ that I REALLY like!

Shop Ventev products on Amazon.
More info on Ventev products.

Review: Nokia’s DC-19 – 3200mAh Portable Battery Charger

Battery life is a classic struggle on our tiny pocketable computers. Sure we call them “phones”, but we live our lives out of them now, and the more we use them, the faster they die. The DC-19 is an upgrade over the older DC-16, featuring higher a capacity cell in a smaller form factor. Let’s take a look at Nokia’s newest portable battery charger.

Shop the DC-19 on Amazon.

Review: ETON FRX3 Emergency Radio & Cell Phone Charger – Hand Crank & Solar Powered!

vlcsnap-2013-12-16-09h49m37s95_resultYou folks should know by now how much I like tech designed for active outdoorsy lifestyles, and gadgets which fulfill specific functions.

I was really happy to get my hands on this emergency radio from ETON, as I happen to live in an earthquake prone state, and it looked like a great addition to my emergency kit. There’s a PLETHORA of ways to power this little audio box: AAA batteries, a rechargeable battery pack, solar power, and a hand crank! Plus you can use it to recharge your phone!

Let’s take a look at the FRX3!

Buy the FRX3 on Amazon:

Review: The Kingston Digital MobileLite Wireless Flash Reader

kingson mobilelite wireless flash reader SD card somegadgetguySometimes the cloud isn’t enough.

While I find it fantastically helpful to have a couple gigs up in the cloud, there are still times I need to have access to files locally. I might need files which are too large to wait for a download, or I might need to easily share files with a couple users around me. I might just be in poor coverage without access to WiFi. For as good as our cloud solutions have gotten, I find I often still resort to “sneaker-net” to move files back and forth between different computers.

This gets even more complicated when I want to interact with a file on a mobile device, especially those pesky iOS devices which lack proper file managers. You can’t just load up a movie file on an iPhone while out and about for example. Plugging your iPhone or iPad into a proper computer and dragging a file over without iTunes means that file wont show up in any of the apps on your iDevice. Sure, there are other workarounds, funnily enough using iCloud for instance, but none have the simplicity of a point to point transfer.

kingson mobilelite wireless flash reader next to HTC One somegadgetguyKingston was kind enough to send over a MobileLite Wireless Flash Reader for me to play with. The dream of the MobileLite is to create a local wireless storage solution for multiple devices to utilize. Specifically up to three devices can log in and share the info on either an SDXC Memory Card or USB Flash Memory Drive.

MobileLite is a small grey/black brick about the size of two iPhone 5’s stacked on top of each other. It’s fairly light at 98 grams, and it comes with a USB cable to charge MobileLite using a computer or AC Adapter. Kingston also includes a MicroSD card adapter for those of you which pull Micro cards out of your phones, cameras, tablets, etc…

Continue reading “Review: The Kingston Digital MobileLite Wireless Flash Reader”

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