Galaxy S22 Ultra: The Productivity Champ of 2022 (Part 2 of 2)

Note 22 review!

Wrapping up our two-part look at Samsung, we’ve covered some lows. Now we get to talk about some highs.

The entire consumer electronics industry is in a rough spot for components and distribution. It’s refreshing to see a slate Samsung phone deliver a unique vibe. This isn’t an “average” all rounder phone. This is built with purpose and for a specific kind of user.

If it waddles like a Note, and quacks like a Note, and S-pens like a Note, then it’s a Note. This phone is a Note, and I love it.

Part 1 – Continue reading “Galaxy S22 Ultra: The Productivity Champ of 2022 (Part 2 of 2)”

Samsung Throttles THOUSANDS of Apps on the Galaxy S22: Reacting to Reddit Hot Takes!

Samsung throttles thousands of apps on the Galaxy S22 line of phones, but does NOT throttle benchmarks!

Samsung pulled an uh-oh! Let’s talk about what this really means, and respond to some of the comments and replies flying around tech blogs and on Reddit!

@garyeonhan Tweet with more info

Continue reading “Samsung Throttles THOUSANDS of Apps on the Galaxy S22: Reacting to Reddit Hot Takes!”