Nintendo Switch Issues: WIFI, DATA, Screen, Build… (Before You Buy) – TK Bay

I have been playing with the Nintendo Switch for 5 days, and I love the way the system is presented. However, using it for a few days, I’ve noticed some issues that might have caused me to wait before dropping so much money on a 1st generation Switch system.

Hopefully we can find a solution to most of these issues.

Enjoy the video.

Continue reading “Nintendo Switch Issues: WIFI, DATA, Screen, Build… (Before You Buy) – TK Bay”

#SGGQA 28: Red Dead Redemption 2 And Why Is It Bad If Some Games Are Made For Men?

Gender politics in gaming is usually a topic I would avoid, but some of the online reactions I’ve witnessed to Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption 2 are leaving me genuinely curious about the state of gaming and activism. This is a potentially toxic topic, but I’m still honestly asking: Why might it be a bad thing if some games are made and marketed specifically for men?

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I wrote a book! If you want to take your smartphone photography and video skills up a notch, you’ll want to read my book! ‘Take Better Photos: Smartphone Photography for Noobs!’ is now available –

Continue reading “#SGGQA 28: Red Dead Redemption 2 And Why Is It Bad If Some Games Are Made For Men?”

Gaming Headset Battle: Hyper X Cloud II vs Creative Evo ZXR with Trisha Hershberger

I focus a bit more on traditional headphones and monitors, so when Trisha Hershberger stopped by my office with a pair of gaming headsets, it was a fun experiment for me to compare two different headset solutions from Kingston and Creative.

Hyper X Cloud II or Creative Evo ZXR? Let’s BATTLE!

Continue reading “Gaming Headset Battle: Hyper X Cloud II vs Creative Evo ZXR with Trisha Hershberger”

Friday Fun: Live Action 1st Person Shooter Played on Chatroulette!

chatroulette first person shooterThis is an incredible project.

The team at RealmPictures created a live action first person shooter with graphics, a Duke Nukem voice for the main character, hordes of zombies, weapon upgrades, and a killer boss battle.  All of this streaming live, with game play controlled via random strangers shouting commands on Chatroulette.

It looks like this would have been a really fun project to work on, and the responses from people playing are hilarious.

SomeGadgetGuy B-Day Contest 05: Defense Grid 2 Steam Codes for the Gamers!

It’s my birthday, but YOU get the presents! Want to win a Steam code for the BEST tower defense game ever made, Defense Grid 2? Of course you do! Here’s how you can enter into this contest.

Continue reading “SomeGadgetGuy B-Day Contest 05: Defense Grid 2 Steam Codes for the Gamers!”

Review: Sennheiser G4ME ZERO Gaming Headset with Microphone Test

Sennheiser makes some really high quality headphones, so let’s see how their G4ME ZERO gaming headset stacks up to the competition!

Shop the G4mE ZERO on Amazon.
More info on Sennhesier Gaming Headsets.
Sennheiser Momentum Wireless Review.
Sennheiser Urbanite XL Review.

PS4 User Account Hacked, Sony Refuses to Refund $600 in Fraudulent Charges

sony ps4I really want to jump into a pages-long, old-man tirade about what video gaming was like when I was a kid. When the “bits” of a console were single digit. When playing a game meant punching in a cartridge and pressing the power button. Where instead of waiting for updates to download, the worst “tech support” we’d need to perform was blowing out some dust from the tray. But I digress…

Redditor Kadjar posted yesterday about an infuriating aspect of modern day gaming, the fact that we don’t own our games in quite the same way we used to with cartridges and discs. Instead we have an account, and our games are attached to that account. Kadjar’s Playstation Network account was compromised, and he woke up to $600 in fraudulent charges and the discovery that his PS4 was no longer attached to his account. Someone else had all his stuff and racked up some huge bills.

Worse, upon discovering the hijack, and contacting Sony, he got some bad news. Sony would only reverse $150 of the charges. If he used his credit card company’s ability to dispute the charges, Sony would ban his account and wipe out any and all record of any game attached to his account, even those not in dispute and purchased legally. Continue reading “PS4 User Account Hacked, Sony Refuses to Refund $600 in Fraudulent Charges”

Review: NVIDIA Shield Tablet and Game Controller (AT&T LTE Variant)

NVIDIA delivered a lean, mean, gaming machine. Now with the LTE version available, is the Shield still a good value for the price? Let’s go hands on with this Android gaming slate!

Shop the Shield on Amazon.
Shop the Shield Controller.
Shop the Smart Cover.

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