#SGGQA 037: Smartphone Buttons are BETTER than Gestures! GEEK DEBATE with Joshua Vergara and TK Bay!

Phone manufacturers are desperately working towards “all screen” handsets, going so far as to cut into the screen just to fit hardware like the selfie camera. While this is an aggressive trend, many consumers still prefer buttons. Keyboards, programmable short cuts, camera shutter buttons. In this modern age, can hardware beat software? It’s time for a debate! A GEEK DEBATE!
Joshua and TK will talk out the pros and cons, then YOU decide the winner!

Download #SGGQA 037 – Geek Debate!

The viewer poll has four options. The premise of the debate is this video’s title: “Smartphone Buttons are Better than Gestures.”
Each poll option has TWO parts, if you originally agreed with that premise, and whether you changed your mind during the debate. So, if you originally AGREED with the premise, but TK changed your mind, then your vote will be “Agreed, but now disagree!”

Geek Debate Participants:
Joshua Vergara https://twitter.com/jvtechtea
TK Bay https://twitter.com/tkdsl8655

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The Headphone Jack Should Die! Geek Debate!

The debate is TODAY! 4:30pm EST / 1:30pm PST!

The plug we use to power headphones has been around for over a century. Is it time to get rid of it for a better connector? Is wireless the way to go? We need a Geek Debate! Ron Richards from All About Android and Enobong Etteh from Booredatwork will hammer out the pros and cons of cabled audio, and YOU get to decide the winner! Watch the live stream RIGHT HERE, or join the live chat on YouTube!

Geek Debate Participants:
Enobong Etteh https://twitter.com/booredatwork
Ron Richards https://twitter.com/ronxo

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Continue reading “The Headphone Jack Should Die! Geek Debate!”

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