Geekom A5 Mini PC Review: BIG POWER! Small Price! Better than a Mac Mini?

Geekom A5 Review!

This is a beast of a mini PC! Using a great little AMD chip, it’s sweet overkill for daily computing tasks. It’s exciting to see this performance in a computer this small, but the price tag is even nicer! Continue reading “Geekom A5 Mini PC Review: BIG POWER! Small Price! Better than a Mac Mini?”

Geekom MiniAir 11 Special Edition: Why won’t more companies do this? (Editorial not a Review)

Geekom MiniAir 11 Special Edition unboxing!

I love little mini PCs. Geekom sent over this special kit, and it’s is something special. Reviewers often get special packaging and accessories, why can’t consumers buy those kits too? Continue reading “Geekom MiniAir 11 Special Edition: Why won’t more companies do this? (Editorial not a Review)”

Geekom MiniAir 11: Tiny. Affordable. Adorable PC.

Geekom MiniAir 11 review!

I’m a big fan of little small form factor PCs. Geekom has a new low cost PC available. It’s TINY, and it’s NOT expensive.

Where does this computer fit in? Can it cover your home computing needs?

Let’s take a look! Continue reading “Geekom MiniAir 11: Tiny. Affordable. Adorable PC.”

GEEKOM Mini IT8 PC Review: Intel Core i5 in the Palm of Your Hand!


I LOVE these small form factor PCs. An inexpensive take on a NUC clone, using an older Core i5. It’s inexpensive, but what can you do with one? It comes with RAM and an SSD, but are those any good? Beyond just using a web browser, can you USE it for heavier work? We’ve got a little bit to chat about!

$100 off on Amazon
Use code ‘
15SomeGadget‘ at checkout to bring the price down to $370 before tax! Continue reading “GEEKOM Mini IT8 PC Review: Intel Core i5 in the Palm of Your Hand!”