Giving Away 5 EXPENSIVE Gifts with StockX (Surprise!)

I was honestly shocked to be a part of this video. I’m really proud of the work I’ve done with the SlickDeals team, and this was a wonderful surprise. It’s kind of like a holiday bonus for us content creators and hosts. 😊

I hope you’re all having a wonderful Holiday Season!

Continue reading “Giving Away 5 EXPENSIVE Gifts with StockX (Surprise!)”

There was no phone of the year in 2020!

There was no phone of the year in 2020.

In general I kind of despise a “winner / loser” review style. I try to find who might be the right fit for a gadget, even if that potential audience is REALLY small.

Even for my reluctance to declare “winners”, I’m wrapping up 2020 with a strong feeling that there legitimately was no ONE device that defined mobile computing for consumers.

Instead, this year cemented the idea that consumers should have more choice and more variety to satisfy their specific needs.

Here are some of my thoughts, and some of my favorite experiences, reviewing phones in a strange STRANGE year. Continue reading “There was no phone of the year in 2020!”

Happy Holidays from SomeGadgetGuy

For those of you waking up to a bevvy of gadgets and gizmos under the tree, I hope you got EXACTLY the glowing rectangle you’ve been wanting. And for all my readers, this holiday season, my hope for you is that you are safe, warm, well fed, and spending time with people you care about.

Happy Holidays!

Happy Thanksgiving from SomeGadgetGuy!

Hello fellow techies.

Been taking a few days off from the tech news rat race to celebrate my favorite holiday of the year with family and friends. I’ve produced some videos which will be auto-publishing to the SomeGadgetGuy YouTube channel, so make sure you’re subscribed there for updates if you’d like to keep up with our newest reviews.

I’ll be back here soon. Until then, I hope you’re safe, warm, well fed, and doing something that you love as we begin the holiday season.

Happy Holidays from Some Gadget Guy

Screenshot (5)My wish for you this year.

I hope you got the perfect glowing rectangle. The one with the right sized screen which perfectly fits your hands and is comfortable to hold.

I hope you got all the right accessories to use with it. Cables, and chargers, and cases. Batteries, and Bluetooth’s, and memory cards.

Whatever gadget, be it camera or quad-copter, I hope this year you got what you needed. I also hope you got what you wanted.

Most of all, during this time of year, I hope you’re safe, warm, well fed, and that you get to spend some time with people you care about.

Happy Holidays!

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