Modmic is back with a pair of new gaming microphones! Modmic Uni and Modmic USB! Turn any pair of cans into a gaming headset, and use a MUCH better microphone for your in-game chat! Let’s take a listen! Continue reading “ModMic USB and Uni Review: Great microphone options for gamers!”
Audio-Technica ATH-G1WL Wireless Gaming Headset Giveaway! Tech I’m thankful for!
I’m partnering with Audio-Technica to give away an amazing gaming headset for Thanksgiving!
The ATH-G1WL is one of the best performing wireless headsets I’ve ever used. Fantastic audio fidelity, an excellent microphone, built by one of the most respected brands in recording. AND YOU COULD WIN ONE! Continue reading “Audio-Technica ATH-G1WL Wireless Gaming Headset Giveaway! Tech I’m thankful for!”
Audio-Technica ATH-G1WL Wireless Gaming Headset: Everything Gamers Need!
Treat your ears! It’s always exciting when traditional recording companies take gaming audio seriously. Audio-Technica is cutting the cord! If you want to take your game stream wireless, will the G1WL be the right fit for you?
Let’s take a listen! Continue reading “Audio-Technica ATH-G1WL Wireless Gaming Headset: Everything Gamers Need!”
ModMic Wireless Review: Look Ma! No Cable!
A gaming headset is a personal thing. For folks who love a specific pair of headphones, and want the simplest way to add a solid microphone, AntLion continues to impress. Now with a near lag-free mic, offering up higher fidelity than bluetooth, ModMic Wireless might be the right fit for your team speak!
Continue reading “ModMic Wireless Review: Look Ma! No Cable!”Sennheiser GSP 550 Gaming Headset Review: Grown Up Gaming Audio
I love seeing gamer gear grow up. Out of the nightmarish world of Mountain Dew fueled design, the GSP deliver a healthy crossover of faux militaristic “rugged” and broadcast headset style. Of course looks aren’t everything. Has the sound of this headset grown up as much as the design? Let’s take a look and a listen to the Sennheiser GSP 550!
Continue reading “Sennheiser GSP 550 Gaming Headset Review: Grown Up Gaming Audio”Antlion ModMic 5 Review: Turn any headphones into a great gaming headset!
Gaming headsets are kind of a big deal. Maybe you already have cans you really like, what if you could just add an awesome microphone to them? Would that make the perfect gaming headset? What compromises might we run into? Let’s take listen to what Antlion has to offer!
More info on Antlion
Shop the ModMic 5
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Continue reading “Antlion ModMic 5 Review: Turn any headphones into a great gaming headset!”
Gaming Headset Battle: Hyper X Cloud II vs Creative Evo ZXR with Trisha Hershberger
I focus a bit more on traditional headphones and monitors, so when Trisha Hershberger stopped by my office with a pair of gaming headsets, it was a fun experiment for me to compare two different headset solutions from Kingston and Creative.
Hyper X Cloud II or Creative Evo ZXR? Let’s BATTLE!
Merge VR Goggles Review: High Quality Headset for Your Phone and Google Carboard
VR is going to be the next big thing, and you can play with it now using your phone to power a headset. Merge VR has a high quality option for folks looking to flirt with VR. Let’s take it for a spin!
Shop the MERGE VR Goggles on Amazon
I wrote a book! If you want to take your smartphone photography and video skills up a notch, you’ll want to read my book! ‘Take Better Photos: Smartphone Photography for Noobs!’ is now available –
Continue reading “Merge VR Goggles Review: High Quality Headset for Your Phone and Google Carboard”