Can you REALLY use your phone to do EVERYTHING? SomeGadgetGuy on Relatecasts Podcast!

Here’s the thing.

I actually don’t have a problem with the IDEA of a premium/expensive phone, but what I want to see is the phone start to disrupt OTHER computers. Many manufacturers are looking to mobile processors (ARM chips) for future laptops and computers. If those new portable machines use the same processor as your phone, why can’t we just use the phone?

I had a blast joining the crew at RelateCasts on the ‘Tech Down Over’ podcast to talk about expectations on phone performance, and finding the right phone for you. Give it a listen! Give it a share!

Check out more Relate Podcasts:

#SGGQA 064: Creator Chat – Yuri Lowenthal on Spider-Man and Orbital Redux

Welcome to another creator chat on the SGGQA podcast channel!

Let’s talk about getting projects finished. How our own expectations might get in the way when we’re working on our passion projects. In the grand scheme of things, it’s not very common to see someone finish what they set out to make.

This week my guest just happens to represent one of my longest lasting friendships in Hollywood, so please excuse the love that I’m gonna gush all over this guy. As our careers have shifted, and we’ve grown our families, we don’t get to talk as often as we’d probably like.

Yuri Lowenthal is an incredible actor, writer, producer, and all around super cool guy. I rewrote this intro several times, just trying to properly set the stage for his prolific body of work. Animation, television, feature films, video games, web series, building audiences and friendships with every project he works on, in every genre.

Most recently the voice of Peter Parker in Spider-Man on the PS4, and starring in an astoundingly ambitious live action sci fi series called Orbital Redux on The Nerdist, but this guy also has an IMDB credit list longer than my torso.

I could probably spend as long celebrating Yuri as our actual conversation took to record, but he just has that affect on people. So I’m gonna get out of the way here, and let’s talk to Mr. Lowenthal about making cool things for people to enjoy.

Download this week’s podcast – SGGQA 064 (RSS subscription links below)
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#SGGQA 054: Huawei P20 Pro vs LG G7 – Crossover Challenge with TK Bay Week 2 – Which Phone is Winning?

We’re well into our smartphone crossover challenge! LG G7 vs Huawei P20 Pro! Two of our favorite phones of 2018 so far!

TK and I are trading our top picks, and a couple weeks into the challenge, it’s worth sitting down to have a conversation about how the challenge is going. We’re still in our smartphone honeymoon phase, just out of our first impressions, but have there been any surprises? Have the phones lived up to our expectations? Have they fallen short? Let’s chat! Continue reading “#SGGQA 054: Huawei P20 Pro vs LG G7 – Crossover Challenge with TK Bay Week 2 – Which Phone is Winning?”

Geek Book Club 12b – Interview with ‘Barrow’ Author John Deakins

Our first fantasy novel on the Geek Book Club, with a fun insider story from Andrew. He knows the author! The first book of the “Barrow” series introduces the setting; the city of Barrow on the Thousand Stars Plane. Andrew sat down with John Deakins to chat about writing the book, publishing, and fantasy stories.

Shop ‘Barrow’ on Amazon Continue reading “Geek Book Club 12b – Interview with ‘Barrow’ Author John Deakins”

Creative Labs, Sound Blaster K3+, and Juan NERDS OUT HARD – Newegg Now Interview

I love chatting audio with real professionals in their field. We had the pleasure of interviewing Ryan Schlieper from Creative Labs on Newegg Now. He was game to talk about sound cards, and he gave us the full scoop on the new K3+ audio interface for game streamers and podcasters. I also kept him chatting about Microsoft screwing up audio for us all, and why audio might contribute to people getting motion sick while gaming. I nerded out HARD. Enjoy!

Catch the full episode on Newegg’s YouTube channel, and new episodes of Newegg Now broadcast every Thursday at 10AM Pacific.

Are Smartphones Creating a Deaf Generation? Dr. Alison Grimes, Director of Audiology, UCLA

Are smartphones making you deaf? The modern smartphone has only been in existence for ten years, too brief a time to properly study all of the behavioral and physiological effects of such a new technology, especially for how quickly it changes and evolves. Yet over this window of time, from the Walkman to the iPod, and through the reign of the iPhone, we are starting to see increasing rates of hearing loss in children and young adults. I had the privilege of sitting down with Dr. Alison Grimes, Director of Audiology at UCLA, to discuss some of the more recent trends in hearing health and lifestyle technology.

Listen to the full half hour conversation by subscribing to the #SGGQA podcast in iTunes, Google Play, or your favorite podcast service, episode 32 –

Episode 32 direct download!

Continue reading “Are Smartphones Creating a Deaf Generation? Dr. Alison Grimes, Director of Audiology, UCLA”

Samsung in 2015: Chatting Galaxy Phones with Trisha Hershberger

The lovely and talented Trisha Hershberger joined me in the office to chat about the state of Samsung this year. We became friends by bonding over our affection for Galaxy phones, but this year has been challenging for some of us older Sammy fans. Settle in for a fun chat between two buddies, because we’re going to talk about some tech!

Trisha Hershberger around the web:

I wrote a book! If you want to take your smartphone photography and video skills up a notch, you’ll want to read my book! ‘Take Better Photos: Smartphone Photography for Noobs!’ is now available –
Continue reading “Samsung in 2015: Chatting Galaxy Phones with Trisha Hershberger”

Interview: Monika McMahon chats Noiselace Necklaces – Fashionable Earplugs for Concert Fans!

I got to meet Monika during my recent adventure out to the Firefly 2014 Music Festival with the Microsoft Lumia and MixRadio crews. She’s a concert and travel blogger who created the Noiselace Necklace, a MUCH more fashionable way to protect your hearing while out at shows than traditional gummy earplugs.

Noiselace Necklaces
Noiselace on Twitter
Monika on Twitter

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