The GlowingRectangles 2021 Smartphone Elimination Challenge DAY THREE!


In early voting Huawei, LG, and Alcatel were neck and neck,but later voting JUST BARELY edged out LG and Alcatel! Huawei lives another day!

Setting up a new bracket, and the vote starts again!

Hit the link below to cast a NEW vote! Remember, you’re voting for who you would “kick OFF the island”. You are NOT voting for who should stay.

If there’s a tie in the vote, then ALL brands that tied will get eliminated. We really need those votes, upvotes, and some sharing to get the whole GlowingRectangles community involved!

Happy voting! May your favorite brands survive!


Friday Fun: BBC Radio Broadcast of Neuromancer by William Gibson

William Gibson helped create most of the lingo we use today when discussing internet things like hackers or cyber-security. Neuromancer was an influential novel for this author, and it’s a fun trip visiting this BBC radio play. Two hours in length, it’s abridged, but a surprisingly effective re-telling of a classic sci-fi novel. Check it out over the weekend, or during the holidays. Not bad for a freebie!

Friday Fun: Web Comic Predicts iPad Keyboard Cover THREE Years Ago

Is this how predictable Apple has become?

We geeks like to joke about Apple being around three years behind the tech curve when it comes to new features, but Joel Watson, the author of web comic Hijinks Ensue, might have just proven our hypothesis.

When the Surface was first launched THREE YEARS AGO, and featured  a new kind of keyboard screen cover, Joel drew this comic:

2012-06-19-surface-tensionOf course, what did Apple reveal during their 2015 keynote for the Ipad Pro? This:

Apple keynote wwdc 2015Screenshot (27)_result

JOEL CORRECTLY PREDICTED THE YEAR APPLE WOULD MAKE THIS! He just missed the actual keynote by a couple months as WWDC was back in June. Say what you will about Nerd-Boy Haterade©, but Apple’s making it pretty easy to poke fun…

Friday Fun: Live Action 1st Person Shooter Played on Chatroulette!

chatroulette first person shooterThis is an incredible project.

The team at RealmPictures created a live action first person shooter with graphics, a Duke Nukem voice for the main character, hordes of zombies, weapon upgrades, and a killer boss battle.  All of this streaming live, with game play controlled via random strangers shouting commands on Chatroulette.

It looks like this would have been a really fun project to work on, and the responses from people playing are hilarious.

Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure Has Twitter Melt Down, Calls Out T-Mobile CEO John Legere Publicly

Oof. Even if you’re right, calling out someone publicly might not be the best way to win hearts and minds.

We’ve covered the war of words often fought between fourth place carrier Sprint and third place carrier T-Mobile. Usually reserved for press releases, those digs can be a fun way to shake up otherwise dry industry news. It’s rare though that the public face of a company takes the gloves off on a platform like Twitter.

Sprint CEO Marcelo Claure, after responding to a somewhat snotty question about T-Mobile’s yearly phone upgrades, decided he needed to call out Lil Magenta’s CEO directly over what he considers to be a deceptive pricing scheme.

sprint ceo twitter meltdownIt is super frustrating when there’s a market perception of a product or service which isn’t quite, though we don’t often see figures like these lose their cool. T-Mobile set the standard for making headlines by calling out Verizon and AT&T. Could this be a new era of tough talk for Sprint?

Friday Fun: Get Funky with ‘Ultron Funk’ Avengers Parody

Happy Friday!

If I had a complaint with Avengers: Age of Ultron, it would be that there wasn’t nearly enough choreographed dance sequences set to Bruno Mars. Thankfully Screen Team has our back with this riff on Uptown Funk, and some pretty sexy dance moves from Ultron. Enjoy!

Friday Fun: What if ‘Man of Steel’ Was in Color?

This video does an excellent job of nailing one of the technical criticisms I had with Man of Steel, and something which I feel will continue to be an issue with Batman v Superman. It would seem that DC learned the wrong lesson from Christopher Nolan’s Batman films. That because the Dark Knight franchise was successful, and they were dark and gritty with muted color, then ALL superhero films should be dark and gritty with muted color.

Continue reading “Friday Fun: What if ‘Man of Steel’ Was in Color?”

SomeGadgetGuy Plays Family Feud on Buzzr!

The episode is finally live!

youtube buzzr family feud somegadgetguy juan bagnell game showI had the honor of joining Trisha Hershberger and Katers from You Fight Like A Girl on a Youtuber themed round of Family Feud for Buzzr! Easily one of the most exciting and nerve-wracking experiences of my life.

Did we persevere? Did we reign supreme? Check out our episode below!

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