Verizon and FCC addressing Appellate Court today over Net Neutrality

Verizon-logoI’m not sure that’s how the First Amendment works Verizon?

Verizon is suing to halt the Open Internet Order enacted to protect net neutrality. To oversimplify, it prevents ISP’s from prioritizing their own services or degrading the services of their competitors. Verizon has taken umbrage to this directive, and they think they have a First Amendment argument to striking this type of regulation.

To oversimplify again, they feel the government is interfering with their First Amendment right to interfere with the quality of other companies’ communications and services.

What’s sad is that from a legal perspective they might not actually be wrong here. What powers the FCC might have in regulating the internet still haven’t been expanded or properly defined by Congress, so Verizon has an argument in questioning whether the FCC overstepped its bounds. From Verizon’s brief:

“Broadband networks are the modern day microphone by which their owners engage in First Amendment speech. The FCC thus must identify an actual problem and narrowly tailor its solution to solve that problem. The FCC’s ‘prophylactic’ rules cannot pass that test. The Fifth Amendment likewise protects broadband network owners from government compulsion to turn over their private property for use by others without compensation, especially in light of their multi-billion-dollar investment-backed expectations.”

Today, both Verizon and the FCC will be given 20 minutes apiece to address the appellate court hearing this case. The FCC has also posted a detailed response to all of Verizon’s claims. Lot’s of legal-speak, but it’s an interesting read if you’re into net neutrality.

How the court decides on this case will have far reaching impact on what powers the FCC has to regulate internet communications, and what rights and responsibilities ISP’s have in handling their own and competing internet traffic.

(via Ars)

Breaking Bad fans sue Apple over Season Pass Shenanigans

better call saul breaking bad apple lawsuit news itunes season pass somegadgetguyUh-oh! Apple better call Saul!

So what happens when seasons are sold on services like iTunes, but show runners divide seasons halfway through the year. AMC has recently exploded with a number of very successful shows like The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad. In order to spread content out throughout the year, and keep production costs in check, both shows have employed split seasons, airing half of a season before taking a mid season break and returning to finish the season arc.

That division is whats at argument with services like iTunes. Apple see each “half season” sold as its own unique DVD box set, and they want in on the action. For Breaking Bad “Season 5” Apple sold the first eight episode arc under their Season Pass service for $22 with the promise “this season pass includes all current and future episodes of Breaking Bad season 5”. A different season pass is required for the back eight episodes, and they’re treating it as if it’s a separate season. Of course this conflicts somewhat from AMC’s marketing which has billed Season 5 as having a 16 episode arc.

Now Noam Lazebnik of Ohio is filing a class action suit against Apple to get Apple to honor the Season Pass arc based on AMC’s definition of what constitutes a season of television, mid-season break or otherwise.

“When a consumer buys a ticket to a football game, he does not have to leave at halftime. When a consumer buys an opera ticket, he does not get kicked out at intermission…”

Hit the jump for the full filing (via Scribd)

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