Phone vs Camera 2022! THEY FINALLY MATCH???

Phone vs Camera! Mirrorless vs Android! PHOTO SHOWDOWN!

I love it when math kinda blows my mind.

Shooting on the Vivo X70 Pro+, I was struck by how photographic the photos could look. When we crunch the numbers on equivalent performance, we see something kind of incredible.

Compared against my Lumix G9 and a $900 lens, does the Vivo MATCH my Mirrorless camera?

Whew… We gotta take a look at this… Continue reading “Phone vs Camera 2022! THEY FINALLY MATCH???”

Panasonic Lumix G9 Update: I GUESS I can keep it for a little longer…

Panasonic updated the Lumix G9!

Their timing couldn’t have been better! Addressing one of my main concerns using Lumix cameras, I SUPPOSE I could hold on to this camera for a little longer.

Let’s check out this new autofocus! Continue reading “Panasonic Lumix G9 Update: I GUESS I can keep it for a little longer…”

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