Lens Review: Samsung 45mm f/1.8 – A Super Fast Prime for NX Cameras (4K)

I loves me a fast prime lens! While I’ve been switching from Canon to Samsung for my video and photography production, I was happy to see a short telephoto with a super wide aperture. For those of you looking for prettier bokeh and crazy low light sensitivity, let’s take a look at Samsung’s NX 45mm f/1.8!

Shop the Samsung NX 45mm Prime Lens on Amazon.

Lens Review: 16mm f/2.4 Pancake Prime for Samsung NX Mirrorless Cameras

I’ll admit it. I’m a prime snob.

In moving from Canon to Samsung, I was worried about lens selection. While it’s certainly not as robust as Canon’s first party offerings, Samsung has some really decent glass to play with. Let’s check out one of the wider lenses available for this APS-C shooter!

Shop the 16mm f/2.4 Prime Lens for NX Cameras
Shop the Samsung NX30 Mirrorless APS-C Camera
Shop the Samsung NX1 Mirrorless APS-c Camera

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