OnePlus 6 on Android 10: A High Water Mark

The OnePlus 6 is one of my favorite phones from 2018 to revisit. The last offering from OnePlus with a rear fingerprint sensor and a headphone jack, this phone STRONGLY tested my theory on waiting for the “T” version.

The OnePlus 6T was an exciting phone. It came in a gorgeous purple shell. It got a carrier deal with T-Mobile. However, the farther we get from 2018, the OnePlus 6 is the phone I hold closer for its practicality.

Over a year from its initial launch, how well is OnePlus keeping up with support for the 6? Pretty stinking well…

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OnePlus 6 One Year Later: The Check Up

OnePlus 6 one year later! We’re just a couple weeks away from the OnePlus 7 launch. It’s the perfect time to take a look back at last year’s mid-ranger. The first OP of 2018 was a bit overshadowed by the 6T, so how has this phone held up? Was it well supported? How is the resale value holding up? Let’s take a look back, and also share some thoughts on the future of this brand!

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OnePlus 6T Camera Update: Light up the Nightscape

Upgrading from a OnePlus 6 to a 6T, the camera hardware didn’t change, but we did get a new software feature for both phones. Nightscape is another entry in a growing list of low light, multiple exposure, software processing options. Let’s take it for a spin!

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Quick Take: Are you buying a OnePlus 6 or 6T?

Surviving the great YouTube blackout of 2018, I had a quick question for OnePlus fans. With everything we know about the upcoming 6T, will you be buying the new phone next month, or are you happy with the current OnePlus 6?
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What do you want on the OnePlus 6T? Your replies!

Last week I asked how you would fix the OnePlus 6, and what you MOST wanted to see on the OnePlus 6T. Here are YOUR top answers!

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How Would YOU Fix the OnePlus 6T? SomeGadgetGuy Quick Take!

A new OnePlus phone is likely right around the corner! The OnePlus 6 has been a MONSTER performer, but it now faces even CHEAPER competition. Retaining its price position as a premium mid-ranger, how would YOU fix the OnePlus 6? What do you most want to see in the OnePlus 6T? Drop a comment down below!
Continue reading “How Would YOU Fix the OnePlus 6T? SomeGadgetGuy Quick Take!”

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