Retro Features Make it a Great Laptop! Panasonic Let’s Note FV4 Review

Panasonic FV4 Laptop Review!

It looks kinda old. It’s a laptop with a REMOVABLE BATTERY. It has kind of a weird touch-pad.
But it all kinda works for me.

Panasonic’s new laptop is not labeled a TOUGHBOOK, and I think business users and travelers will appreciate that. I just wish it was easier to buy… Continue reading “Retro Features Make it a Great Laptop! Panasonic Let’s Note FV4 Review”

Phone vs Camera 2022! THEY FINALLY MATCH???

Phone vs Camera! Mirrorless vs Android! PHOTO SHOWDOWN!

I love it when math kinda blows my mind.

Shooting on the Vivo X70 Pro+, I was struck by how photographic the photos could look. When we crunch the numbers on equivalent performance, we see something kind of incredible.

Compared against my Lumix G9 and a $900 lens, does the Vivo MATCH my Mirrorless camera?

Whew… We gotta take a look at this… Continue reading “Phone vs Camera 2022! THEY FINALLY MATCH???”

If RoboCop were a Laptop! Panasonic ToughBook 55 Mark 2 – Updated for 2021!

TOUGHBOOK 55 review!

This Mark 2 gets a refresh and some more powerful internals. I LOVE playing with rugged gear, but the critical part of a Panasonic is support. These laptops and tablets last forever, and finding parts to repair them is surprisingly easy.

Hopefully we see more companies bring some of these ideas to more mainstream computers… Continue reading “If RoboCop were a Laptop! Panasonic ToughBook 55 Mark 2 – Updated for 2021!”

World’s Most Rugged Tablet! Panasonic ToughBook FZ-S1 Review!

ToughBook Review!

This isn’t built for “AVERAGE CONSUMERS”! Still there’s a lot we can learn from a ToughBook. What would YOU want to see on a future phone or tablet? Would you borrow any of this hardware if you could buy a more rugged slate? Continue reading “World’s Most Rugged Tablet! Panasonic ToughBook FZ-S1 Review!”

Panasonic Lumix G9 Update: I GUESS I can keep it for a little longer…

Panasonic updated the Lumix G9!

Their timing couldn’t have been better! Addressing one of my main concerns using Lumix cameras, I SUPPOSE I could hold on to this camera for a little longer.

Let’s check out this new autofocus! Continue reading “Panasonic Lumix G9 Update: I GUESS I can keep it for a little longer…”

Panasonic Toughbook 33: A Brutal Windows Tablet PC!

I honestly don’t have the words to describe the TOUGHBOOK 33. This is obviously not a consumer focused device. Spending some time with this slate PC, there’s a LOT here I wish we could get on more mainstream laptops and tablets.

Industrial practicality still has a place in the consumer conversation.
Let’s chat ToughBook! Continue reading “Panasonic Toughbook 33: A Brutal Windows Tablet PC!”

Panasonic ToughBook FZ-A3: Android Gets TOUGH!

A little outside my normal review regiment, but I couldn’t pass up a military grade rugged tablet. Panasonic is pushing ahead on Android for enterprise, and using a ToughBook shell is exciting for a Google powered slate. If only we could get some of this hardware and support in a consumer grade tablet… Continue reading “Panasonic ToughBook FZ-A3: Android Gets TOUGH!”

My first lens for the Panasonic G85? Lumix 15mm f/1.7 Review!

New cameras are cool, but better than new cameras are NEW LENSES! Here’s my first piece of glass for the G85, looking to get that tasty TASTY bokeh!

Continue reading “My first lens for the Panasonic G85? Lumix 15mm f/1.7 Review!”

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