Windows 8 Phone Tip and Trick: Custom lock screen photo

Each of us have our own unique sense of style. We customize our phones to match our style with ringtones, cases and wallpapers. Today I am going to show you how to make your own wallpaper for your Windows 8 phone. If you are handy with photoshop this will be a breeze along with newbies.044

As much as I love cupcakes, this lock screen image just isn’t going to do it for me. I need something else like the background picture for banner! Take a sip of coffee and let’s get started!

Step 1: You will need a pc or mac with photoshop or a photo editing software. Today I will be using photoshop. Continue reading “Windows 8 Phone Tip and Trick: Custom lock screen photo”

Just for fun: Face blending classic Star Trek actors with their JJ Abrams modern Counterparts

chris pine william shatner face mashup star trekEasily one of the best aspects of the JJ Abrams Trek films is the wonderful job they did casting each of these iconic roles. Well of course Star Trek fandom can result in some strange and wonderful things. Reddit user ThatNordicGuy has taken it upon himself to face morph each new Abrams  Trek actor with their counterpart actor from the original Trek series.

Boldly go check out the album on Imgur!

(via Reddit)

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