Pixel Fold Camera Conclusion: FORMERLY The Best Cameras on a Folding Phone…

The Pixel Fold was SO CLOSE to being named the best foldable camera phone on the market this year. Facing some TOUGH competition, how does this Pixel hold up? Here’s the conclusion from my longer camera deep dive! Continue reading “Pixel Fold Camera Conclusion: FORMERLY The Best Cameras on a Folding Phone…”

Google Pixel Fold Three Months Later: A Long Term Review, Android 14, and a Road Trip

I’ve been pretty vocal on folding tablets. I’m conflicted on the segment, and I believe that (even with a few years in the market) we’re still looking at a public BETA test for this concept.

I was (and still am) a big fan of the Surface Duo, but folks seem to forget that I gave a “niche of a niche” verdict for the Duo 2. I prefer Dual Display, but there was a SMALL segment of consumers who I believed would be a good fit for that device.

There’s a specific philosophy that needs to be addressed comparing something like a Pixel Fold with a Duo. They both have a hinge that folds the device in half, but they represent VERY different solutions.

The Pixel Fold is a traditional tablet, offering a larger unbroken canvas to work with. The Duo is a multi-tasking monster, delivering a more direct path to using two apps at once.

Getting my bias out of the way, after three months, two flights, and a road trip, how has the Fold treated me?

Pretty well. There’s a lot of potential here. Continue reading “Google Pixel Fold Three Months Later: A Long Term Review, Android 14, and a Road Trip”

Folding Phone Durability: Educating Consumers and Setting Expectations?

There’s a WORLD of difference between showing how a phone SHOULD work out in the field and actively trying to break that phone. If you try to break a phone, you will eventually succeed.

Torture tests are dramatic and fun to watch, but they don’t deliver much practical information to consumers. We should try to help inform consumers on what the expected “range of durability” might be for a product, not just show a dramatic failure clip.

Nowhere is this more precious right now than on folding phones.

Looking at the view counts on the videos and articles from top reviewers, we can be pretty sure those discussions are only reaching a tiny fraction of the overall smartphone buying population. Consumers are not turning to techies like they used to for education on current tech trends.

It seems more people are “taught” what to think about consumer electronics by the ads they consume from the marketing departments of the manufacturers making these products.

As companies work to make hinged phones more exciting, we should be concerned about how those phones are portrayed in advertisements. We need a “sweet spot” of lifestyle footage to help prime the correct expectations for customers. Showcasing the products in appropriate situations helps inform how those products should be used.

Manufacturer ads are a necessary resource for consumer education.

Almost every folding phone manufacturer is “doing this wrong”.

Continue reading “Folding Phone Durability: Educating Consumers and Setting Expectations?”

48 Hours with the Pixel Fold: I WAS RIGHT ABOUT FOLDING PHONES!

Pixel Fold first impressions! An excerpt from this week’s SGGQA Podcast! Basically I was right about folding mini-tablets, and EVERYONE else was wrong!

PEW PEW! Shots fired! Continue reading “48 Hours with the Pixel Fold: I WAS RIGHT ABOUT FOLDING PHONES!”