BlackBerry KEYone Real Camera Review: Pixel sensor & BlackBerry software – Pocketnow

Even if a phone is focused on work, there’s no excuse for any manufacturer to include a mediocre camera. Past BlackBerry’s haven’t always excelled in the photography department. Has this partnership with TCL improved the optics here? Buckle up for a DEEP dive as we deliver an in-depth look at photo and video performance. Here’s our BlackBerry KEYone Real Camera Review!
Compare your favorite phone’s cameras!

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Samsung Galaxy S8+ vs Apple iPhone 7 Plus: Phablet fight! – Pocketnow

Two of the hottest selling phablets available. The iPhone 7 Plus is Apple’s current big phone offering. It escaped a fight with the Note, but now we’re going to see how it fares against Samsung’s newest handset. Time for a comparison! Samsung Galaxy S8+ vs the iPhone 7 Plus!

Real Camera Review Playlist…
Real Audio Review Playlist…

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BlackBerry KEYone Real Camera Review – Pocketnow

Even if a phone is focused on work, there’s no excuse for any manufacturer to include a mediocre camera. Past BlackBerry’s haven’t always excelled in the photography department. Has this partnership with TCL improved the optics here? Buckle up for a DEEP dive as we deliver an in-depth look at photo and video performance. Here’s our BlackBerry KEYone Real Camera Review!

Compare your favorite phone’s cameras! Watch more Real Camera Reviews using this playlist…

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Samsung Galaxy S8+ Review: Big Phone, Big Price

It’s a big phone with a price tag to match! Having spent some time with this sexy, sleek, phablet, what should you expect from this premium purchase? Here’s our full review of the Samsung Galaxy S8+!

GS8 Real Camera Review…
GS8 Real Audio Review…
“AKG” earbud review…
Earbuds NOT made by AKG?…

Juan’s deets:
Juan’s Photo Book

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Samsung Galaxy S8 Real Camera Review: 4K video and photo samples!

Expectations are high for this phone. Last year’s Galaxy delivered one of the best cameras of 2016, but now Samsung faces more pressure from premier partnerships and dual camera phones. Is the Galaxy S8 a top performer, or has Samsung held back in too conservative a fashion? It’s time for a DEEP dive into some camera tech…

Watch (and share) more Real Camera Reviews on this playlist…

Juan’s deets:
Juan’s Photo Book

Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy S8 Real Camera Review: 4K video and photo samples!”

Are the Galaxy S8 premium earbuds NOT from AKG?

We’ve just been handed some breaking news about the Galaxy S8 and the included earbuds! Were these headphones NOT made by AKG???
GS8 earbud review

Juan’s deets:
Juan’s Photo Book

Shop for electronics using the following link on Amazon to support our site and reviews at no additional cost to you: Continue reading “Are the Galaxy S8 premium earbuds NOT from AKG?”

Galaxy S8 AKG Earbuds Review: Best phone accessory of 2017?

Samsung is including a pair of AKG earbuds in the box with ever Galaxy S8 sold. We’re big fans of premium audio options, so are these ear buds the best phone included phone accessory of 2017? Let’s take a listen!

Galaxy S8 Real Audio Review

Juan’s deets:
Juan’s Photo Book

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#SGGQA 27: Big Life Changes – SomeGadgetGuy is Moving to Pocketnow!

I’ve been teasing this for a little while now, but the details are all worked out and I can officially announce some big news! What will it mean for the SomeGadgetGuy channel? How will it affect this podcast? Let’s chat change!

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I wrote a book! If you want to take your smartphone photography and video skills up a notch, you’ll want to read my book! ‘Take Better Photos: Smartphone Photography for Noobs!’ is now available –

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