Movies You May Have Missed 027: ‘Igby Goes Down’ (MYMHM Recovered)

Many movies strive to capture the confused spirit of The Graduate or The Catcher in the Rye; Igby Goes Down succeeds. AND, Jeff Goldblum is a sexy, SEXY dude.

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Movies You May Have Missed 026: Let’s Play ‘The King of Kong’! (MYMHM Recovered)

An amazing look at a funny ecosystem. The stakes are low. Most people aren’t terribly interested by the subject. But for the gamers involved, this is life. Who is the King of (Donkey) Kong?

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Galaxy Note 8 Real Camera Review: The Best Zoom on a Phone – Pocketnow

It’s ok to be late to the party when you bring a great competitor. The Note 8’s second sensor is for zooming and background blur. Normally, zoom is our least favorite way to do a dual camera, but Samsung’s hardware delivers nicer results than any phone we’ve reviewed in the past. Is zoom still a gimmick, or will you actually use this feature on the Note?

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Movies You May Have Missed 025: ‘The Omen’ is SPOOKY! (MYMHM Recovered)

Juan’s all time favorite horror film. Grounded. Quiet. Patient. An incredible cast. Terrific writing. Expert direction. Let’s get creeped out by ‘The Omen’!

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Alcatel Idol 5S Review: Recovering at a Lower Price?

Our Alcatel Idol 5S review! Last year was a tough year for the Idol brand. Many have criticized this company for taking a step away from the upper mid-range price tier. Can Alcatel recapture some of the magic of the ultra-cheap Idol 3S? Let’s take a look!

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Western Digital My Cloud EX4 NAS: The WORST Tech I’ve Ever Owned

The Western Digital My Cloud EX4 network attached storage is the single worst technology purchase I’ve ever made. While I figure out what to do about my back up needs, let’s take a quick look back at this dumpster fire of a NAS box.

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Asus ZenFone 3 Zoom Review: Now with Nougat! – Pocketnow

This review has been a long time coming. Originally announced back in January, the ZenFone 3 Zoom has been waiting for a software update to deliver Nougat, and to enable some advanced camera features. We’ve been playing with that update for the last week, so now it’s time to share our thoughts on this dual camera shooter.

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Movies You May Have Missed 018: Don’t get blocked by ‘The Five Obstructions’

Lars Von Trier is ALWAYS a trip, but this is one of his most meta accomplishments. Von Trier holds film maker Jorgen Leth hostage, challenging him to remake one of his earliest experimental short films. All the while adding barriers to try and break one of his favorite directors while celebrating his genius at the same time.

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Movies You May Have Missed was a film review podcast produced by Lee Buckley, Juan, and Marie Bagnell starting back in 2009. We focused on reviews of films we enjoyed, but which didn’t get the attention they deserved. Each episode was a spoiler free love letter to a piece of cinema. The podcast ran for three straight years, producing over 150 episodes, and at its peak was downloaded over 3 million times per month.
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