Weekly Tech Round Table Dec 7, 2013: Prime Air, Windows Threshold, Nexus TV, and AT&T Data Plans

booredatwork roundtableTime for our weekly tech round table discussion with Boored at WorkBWOneMobile Burn, and yours truly.

Every Saturday at 8:30 am Pacific, we discuss the week’s biggest tech stories! This week we talk up Amazon’s drone program, Microsoft unifying Windows Phone and Windows 8, What Google is trying to do to your living room, and AT&T’s new cheaper mobile share plans!

Lot’s to cover this week, so let’s get to it!

Set your Calendar! Experts Q&A Episode 2: Android Boogaloo!

experts round table androidThis will be a Hangout on Air event. Link will be provided here before the broadcast goes live.

Our first Experts Q&A was a hit, and now we’re ready to follow it up with our next topic! For this next round table, we’re going to chat all things Android! Phones, Tablets, Apps, Updates, Services. You bring the questions, we’ll bring the experts! Chat with us live while we’re on the air! It’ll be fun. I promise.

Mark your calendars! We’re a GO for Wednesday December 11 at 8pm Pacific. Hope to see you there!

Google Plus event page.

Experts Q&A 1: Live Tiles are the Future! – https://somegadgetguy.com/2013/11/26/watch-our-experts-qa-live-here-bwone-somegadgetguy-answer-your-microsoft-questions/

Experts Q&A: Answering your Microsoft Questions LIVE! – Nov. 26, 8pm

windows 8 live tiles experts Q&AWe’re starting a series of round table discussions, bringing the experts to YOU! The first in our lineup will focus on Microsoft. All things Windows: phones, tablets, laptops. Watch live, and send in your questions. We’ll answer them on the air!

This will be a Hangout on Air Q&A. Link will be provided here before the broadcast goes live.

Microsoft is making big changes to the Windows ecosystem. Phones, tablets, laptops, desktops, Live Tiles are the future! If you’ve had questions about Windows gear, or were thinking of shopping something Windows 8 this holiday season, we’ll have Windows Phones, Windows RT, and Windows 8 devices on hand to answer all of your Microsoft questions! Get the full scoop from the people who know!

Tune In – Tuesday November 26 at 8pm Pacific!

And be on the lookout for future Expert Q&A’s! We”re planning them now for Android, Photography, video, audio, and many more subjects! Help us spread the word by sharing this event!

For more info:
Google Plus Event Page for Experts Q&A: Microsoft!

Weekly Tech Round Table Nov 23 – XBox Launch, Nokia 1520 & 2520, and Moto X get’s KitKat

booredatwork roundtableTime for our weekly tech round table discussion with Boored at Work, BWOne, Mobile Burn, and yours truly.

We have a spirited discussion each week talking out (sometimes debating) the top tech news stories. You can watch live each Saturday at 11:30am Eastern, but if you miss it it’s recorded directly to Youtube for posterity. This week we tackle XBox One, new Nokia gear, and Moto X getting KitKat!

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