$100 Off Android Wear Huawei Watch for Black Friday

It’s a sexy little smartwatch watch, and you’ll be able to score one for a much lower price on Black Friday!

There’s going to be a 24 hour sale on the Huawei Watch where the most expensive variant, the black steel body with black steel bracelet, will be $100 off on most major retailers like Amazon, BestBuy, Target, Google Play, and Huawei’s site.

That’s more than 20% off. Not bad at all for a premium wearable made out of steel and sapphire which already costs less than a watch band from Apple (Apple Watch Not Included).

We recently reviewed the Huawei Watch, and you can check out this Android Wearable below!

Google & Amazon Cut Price of Nexus 6 Smartphone by $150

Google’s monster phablet is getting a price cut!

The Nexus 6 has dropped $150 from its price tag on the Google Play store, and Amazon has followed suit. This applies to both the 32GB and 64GB models which are currently selling for $499 and $549 respectively.

It’s unknown whether this is a permanent price drop, a special sale being run for Father’s day, or a promotion to line up with the first round of invites for Project Fi (Google’s MVNO phone service). However, if you were shopping a stock Android phone, the price just got a LOT sweeter.

Nexus 6 on Amazon
Nexus 6 on Google Play

T Mobile price cut on the LG Optimus L90!

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Are you looking to save some dough on a new phone? T Mobile just cut the price of the LG Optimus L90 from $168.99 all the way down to $49.99! The LG Optimus L90 features a 4.7 inch qHD screen, a quad core 1.2GHz processor, LTE ready, a front facing camera and a 5mp rear camera with LED flash.

The LG Optimus LG90 is running Android 4.4 Kit Kat with 1 GB of ram and a 4GB expandable memory slot.  The back cover features self healing powers if you scratch it although if you gouge it with your car keys it may not heal. Not a bad little phone for $49.99 to have as a back up phone or for someone who is new to the smart phone world!

Grab the LG Optimus L90 here from T Mobile!  Continue reading “T Mobile price cut on the LG Optimus L90!”

AT&T Bundling Kindle Fire HDX 7 Tablet for $50 with Fire Phone Purchase

ns_amazon_fire_tablet.jpg.thumb.432.946After catching the news that Amazon is sitting on millions of dollars worth of Fire Phones, it would seem they’re throwing a bone to their launch partner AT&T.

Starting today you can score a Kindle Fire HDX 7″ tablet for $49.99 with the purchase of an Amazon Fire Phone, which you can actually score for pretty cheap at the moment.

If you’re shopping an inexpensive two screen solution, and you’re a fan of Amazon services, you can catch more info on the AT&T Kindle Fire page.

Walmart Clearing iPhone 5C Inventory by slashing Contract Price to 97 Cents

iphone 5c walmart saleA new iPhone will be announced soon, and stores are trying to clear out existing inventory. Walmart is making a move to push out the somewhat unpopular 5C model by cutting the on-contract price to only 97 cents. At “near free” one would hope it would finally give the aged 4S a run for its money.  Walmart has also cut the price on the 5S to $79 with a two year contract.

Consumers were right to be a little cautious with the 5C. It was a brand new phone line, which wasn’t compatible with many accessories designed for the 5/5S. It was unclear how it would be supported by third party manufacturers and by Apple itself. Would it receive software updates like the iPhone 5 or will it continue receiving support like the 5S? Will Apple launch a follow up “Cheap” model alongside the iPhone 6?  Those ecosystem questions are becoming more and more important to consumers.

Though if you’re looking for a good deal on iOS, 97 cents is hard to skoff at. Still, someone might want to teach the Walmart web designer how to use a decimal point… Looks like the 5C is 97 DOLLARS… Just sayin…

Buy Your Mom a Moto X for only $299 this Mother’s Day (Sale Today Only)

moto x mothers day saleShe’s your MOM! The least you could do is get her a nice smartphone. Thankfully there’s a sale happening today on the Moto X, and you can score a 16GB model for only $299. The 32GB will run you an additional $25. You can even customize the phone’s colors to match the beautiful flowers you’re sending her for Mother’s Day.

The sale runs today through 11:59PM EDT, so get cracking! And maybe give her a call occasionally. It’s not like she gave you life and then raised you or anything. Geez…

Moto X sale on Moto Maker.

AT&T offers up LG G2 or Moto X for free on two year agreement, for limited time

ATT-Moto-X-free-dealDid you not get the new phone you wanted last year? AT&T might have just the trick for you.

Running now through the end of the month, you can score the LG G2 or Moto X free on a two year contract. Not a bad buy for either as they normally fall into the “$99 on contract” tier. We’ve had the pleasure of playing with both here at SGG, and while they offer up very different experiences, they’re both terrific smartphone solutions.

Shop the LG G2 Here and the Moto X Here. Not a bad way to start the new year off right?


Our LG G2 Review
1st Impressions Moto X


Humble Mobile Bundle 3 – Pay what you want for 6 Android games and support charities

hmb3_newsletterJust a quick heads up folks!

Humble Mobile Bundle 3 is ready to roll. For those of you not hip to the Humble Bundle, it’s a collection sold by the developers, artists, musicians, or writers under a “pay what you want” model. This bundle is a collection of Android games: EPOCH, rymdkapsel, SpellTower, Swordigo, Ridiculous Fishing, and Kingdom Rush. To get all six games, you have to pay more than the average price, which at the time of this writing was under $5. Less than a dollar an app.

At checkout you can decide how much to pay, and how much of your payment will go to the Humble Bundle team, the app developers, and to the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child’s Play Charities. And keep an eye out for future bundles. I’ve gotten some great albums, e-book collections, and PC games through this site.

Get to it folks! These games aren’t going to buy themselves!

Humble Mobile Bundle 3!

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