Qualcomm: Quickcharge 2.0 Phones and Tablets on the Way

Qualcomm-Snapdragon-410 lte worldOne important aspect of battery life is how quickly you can get back up and running when you’re out of juice.

Qualcomm took the wraps off of their Quickcharge 2.0 tech, which will be built into new phones and tablets sporting the Snapdragon 800 chipset. Quickcharge 1.0 delivered 10 watts, 2.0 will deliver 60 watts. Quickcharge 2.0 will rely on a combination of the power management gear in the phone and the charger plugged into the wall, though 2.0 and 1.0 devices will be cross compatible for legacy support and future proofing.

The power efficient radio management should keep you out in the field longer, and when you do need to juice up, you shouldn’t have to stay tethered for long.

Full PR below with more info on specs and compatibility.

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The most powerful Android phone? Benchmarking the LG G2.

LG G2 benchmarks optimus g pro comparisonIn Android land we care about specs. We care about them a lot. Before even handling a device, many will scrutinize things like processor, storage, and RAM to make purchasing decisions.

Here stateside, the LG G2 was one of the first phones to utilize Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 800 series processor. This is an architecture improvement over the very solid Snapdragon 600 used in phones like the HTC One and Galaxy S4. How much of an improvement? That’s what we’re going to take a look at in this video.

LG’s Optimus G Pro uses the 600 series chipset, so this obviously isn’t a competition. This is a comparison to see how improved the new processor is, so I don’t want cranky fanbois telling me how this isn’t a “fair test” or other such nonsense. We KNOW the G2 is going to win most of these. We wanna see by how much!

There are links after the jump if you want to skip to specific bench marks, or you can watch the whole battery of tests below. Let’s get to it!

Continue reading “The most powerful Android phone? Benchmarking the LG G2.”

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