The ‘Three Body Problem’ Problem: Impressively Grand, Yet Disappointingly Small

[I try to write my reviews as spoiler-free as I can, but there still might be comments or ideas that could ruin your experience watching the show. If you’re curious about the show, it’s best to watch it on your own first, before watching/reading ANY review or “explained” analysis.]

It took us a while to chew through the eight episodes of Netflix’s adaptation of The Three Body Problem. I’ve read Liu Cixin’s ‘Remembrance of Earth’s Past’ trilogy. I love ‘The Three Body Problem’. I really like ‘The Dark Forrest’. I was critically deflated by ‘Death’s End’.

I was ready to binge the whole series on launch day, but Marie had not read any of the books. The show proved a touch too dense for Marie, and we opted to spread out our viewing over several days. We finally wrapped it up last night, and I have a lot of thoughts. Mostly good thoughts, but I am a bit disappointed in a few of the structural decisions demonstrated.

Continue reading “The ‘Three Body Problem’ Problem: Impressively Grand, Yet Disappointingly Small”

Decades of Canadian TV Legally Uploaded to Youtube: Degrassi, Due South, Slings & Arrows

Maybe not quite as popular as shows from the UK or USA, Canada has produced some classic television. Charming programs with fantastic casts and excellent writing. YouTube Channel Encore+ is working with several Canadian production and distribution companies to preserve some popular titles, making them freely available to all who want to watch. Personally, I’m excited to see an easy way to stream Slings & Arrows, since the wife and I are Shakespeare nerds, and this show is one of the truest (and funniest) representations of a life spent in theatre.

Other classics include Are You Afraid of the Dark, Due South, and Degrassi. Conveniently organized in playlists by show, Encore+ promises more to come. Shocking to see under 6000 subscribers at the time this post was written. Check out the link below for some excellent (and free) TV watching.

Encrore+ Playlists

Will YouTube TV finally push us to cut the cord?

Low monthly subscription price, 40 channels to start, and unlimited cloud DVR. Have you tried YouTube TV? Is it the right solution for you to cut the cord?

Continue reading “Will YouTube TV finally push us to cut the cord?”

Youtube TV Hands on (IOS and Android) + Free Chromecast Offer Details!?!? – TK Bay

YouTube TV is here and I go hands on with Android and IOS to see what have. for a small fee you are getting a handful of channels now, and could also get yourself a free Chromecast. Hope you enjoy the video review

Continue reading “Youtube TV Hands on (IOS and Android) + Free Chromecast Offer Details!?!? – TK Bay”

‘Breaking Bad’ Coming to Netflix in 4K!

breaking bad 4k netflixNetflix debuted their Ultra-HD service this year with the second season of House of Cards, allowing viewers to watch the series with an image resolution four times that of 1080p.

Now Netflix has announced via their blog that the next series to make the transition to 4K will be Breaking Bad, giving me yet another reason to re-watch the whole series… Again…

Netflix recommends at least a 20Mbps data connection to stream 4K video, as the stream stream clocks in at around 16Mbps. Puts that “50 megs innernet” offered up here in LA into perspective. The future is coming, and our current infrastructure probably wont handle it well.

If you’re groovy enough to own a 4K TV, be on the look out for Breaking Bad in Ultra-HD starting in June.

FOX Sports streaming Super Bowl XLVIII Online for all for free!

Super_Bowl_XLVIII_logoI know a lot of people who have cut the cable cord over the last couple years. For the most part services like Hulu and Netflix can satisfy TV and movie viewing, but live sporting events can sometimes present a challenge. One pal in particular lives in an area where he can’t quite get good reception over the air with an HD Antenna.

Well for The Big Game™ ®©, Fox isn’t taking any chances with people not watching the game or the ads, and are allowing everyone to stream over Fox Sports Go. This is a service similar to HBO Go and normally requires authentication from a cable provider. Today they’re waiving that requirement.

Starting at 12pm ET, pre-game coverage will start streaming for free. It’s a brilliant move, as sports fans will get to try out the service, and it makes those expensive ad buys even more valuable as more eye balls will be on data driven screens.

Thanks to Derek Ross on G+ for the tip, and he also mentions that streaming the game over a computer and sending it to your TV via a Chromecast works well!

Super Bowl XLVIII on Fox Sports Go!

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