T Mobile price cut on the LG Optimus L90!

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Are you looking to save some dough on a new phone? T Mobile just cut the price of the LG Optimus L90 from $168.99 all the way down to $49.99! The LG Optimus L90 features a 4.7 inch qHD screen, a quad core 1.2GHz processor, LTE ready, a front facing camera and a 5mp rear camera with LED flash.

The LG Optimus LG90 is running Android 4.4 Kit Kat with 1 GB of ram and a 4GB expandable memory slot.  The back cover features self healing powers if you scratch it although if you gouge it with your car keys it may not heal. Not a bad little phone for $49.99 to have as a back up phone or for someone who is new to the smart phone world!

Grab the LG Optimus L90 here from T Mobile!  Continue reading “T Mobile price cut on the LG Optimus L90!”

T-Mobile to Unleash Rollover Data in 2015 – Un-Carrier 8.0 Announcement

T-Mobile LogoI’ve been complaining about this for YEARS. Each month you buy a bucket of data. If you use more than that bucket you pay a penalty, but if you don’t use the whole bucket you don’t get a credit or a benefit. Instead the carrier takes your unused data and throws it away, and you pay full price for a new bucket next month.

Starting in January of 2015, T-Mobile will roll that data over into a special store they’re calling the Data Stash. It will come to all plans including data only Tablet plans. To sweeten the deal, customers will also start off with 10GB of data in their stash.

I’ve been hoping a company would do this since we moved over to data caps on cellphone contracts. I was so goofy happy, I jumped immediately into a Live Hangout and started throwing things.

The full T-Mobile press release is below, and they always put out funny releases.

Continue reading “T-Mobile to Unleash Rollover Data in 2015 – Un-Carrier 8.0 Announcement”

Review: Lumia 635 – Two Weeks with Nokia’s Inexpensive Fantastic

Playing with phones like the 635, it further reinforces my belief that the flagship phone market is maturing and plateauing. The exciting growth for manufacturers will be at the entry level. This little Lumia shows us how far we can stretch a dollar with few compromises. Let’s take a look!

Shop the Lumia 635 on AT&T!
Shop the Lumia 635 on T-Mobile!

T-Mobile Offers up $3 a Month “Pay As You Go” Phone Plan

T-Mobile LogoT-Mobile has been finding a lot of success at being a market disruptor, recently unseating Sprint and moving into third place among the largest USA carriers.

Their new tactic courts entry-level and pre-pay customers with a new Pay as You Go Plan. The plan starts off with a monthly minimum charge of $3, and it’s entirely usage based. Calls are $0.10 per minute, as are texts, which means you’d receive 30 minutes a month if you didn’t want to pay any more than the minimum. Data is purchased in daily or weekly passes. $5 for one day and 500MB of LTE, $10 for 7 days and 1GB.

It’s an interesting solution which looks to be targeting the business models offered up by companies like Ting and FreedomPop, low cost MVNO’s basing pricing on usage.

T-Mo’s full PR is below with more details.  Continue reading “T-Mobile Offers up $3 a Month “Pay As You Go” Phone Plan”

FTC investigating T-Mobile for Bogus Charges on Customer’s Bills

T-Mobile LogoThis one is news to me.

Apparently there’s a practice called “Cramming”. It’s where a carrier will charge customers for premium SMS services, even if the customer never used those services. Getting celebrity gossip, horoscopes, or any other subscription entertainment media via text often comes with additional charges.

640px-US-FederalTradeCommission-Seal.svgWell now the FTC is investigating T-Mobile’s relationship with these kinds of SMS based services, as new evidence might show that T-Mobile continued to bill customers for years after being made aware that some of these charges might be fraud. Why would T-Mobile do this? They get a pretty hefty cut of that Premium SMS fee.

What’s most troubling is these charges are often contested by subscribers who notice, but the maximum refund rate in any given month only approached about 40%. Which means most months, over 60% of these fraudulent charges were uncontested. The FTC is alleging that the UnCarrier’s billing practices made it more difficult for consumers to discover these kinds of charges. Their complaint seeks to permanently ban T-Mo from this kind of practice, and to seek refunds for customers affected.

Nokia Lumia 635 coming to T-Mobile July 9th

Lumia-635-2Nokia is raising the stakes on the entry-level game.

After scoring a hit with last years low-cost wunderphone the Lumia 520, the follow up this year is looking to continue that tradition of not punishing people for buying a “cheap” handset.

This will be the first phone to properly ship with Windows Phone 8.1 (our full review of Microsoft’s new OS), and it’s coming first to T-Mobile. Starting July 9th you can score one for $0 down and only $7 a month added to your plan. It’ll be less than $170 if you want to buy it outright.

A 4.5″ screen is powered by a Qualcomm 400 series quad core, 512MB of RAM, 8GB of storage (with MicroSD card expansion up to 128GB), a 5MP rear camera, an 1830mAh battery, and LTE for T-Mo’s 4G network.  It’s a solid step up from the Lumia 520, and more than covers the basics for someone wanting a solid smartphone experience.

The 635 will eventually land on other carriers, but Lil Magenta is where you can get it first. It’ll be closely followed by the Lumia 930, which we got a sneak peek of in the Verizon Lumia Icon. Nokia produced a hands on of the 635, which you can watch below.

T-Mobile tries their hand at a Galaxy S5 Unboxing Video

galaxy s5 unboxing video t-mobileFirst Samsung delivers a full hands on video of the Galaxy S5, now T-Mobile is delivering my least favorite flavor of Geek Porn.

The Unboxing Video.

In true unboxing form, over a third of the video is just a pair of disembodied hands holding Samsung’s packaging. If you really needed to hear someone read the specs off the side of the box, and eventually hold the phone in their hands, while also showing you the cable and charger, then this is the video for you!

I have to admit a bit of disappointment though as you’d think that a company like T-Mobile would be able to produce a higher quality video, at least something better than 720p shot on a potato…

T-Mobile Featuring Free Agent Tim Tebow in Super Bowl Spots

T-Mobile LogoGet it? Because neither Tim Tebow nor T-Mobile want to sign contracts? And they both start with the letter “T”? Get it?

Actually this is a pretty cute spot featuring the QB who couldn’t lead my Broncos to a Super Bowl, and all the crazy shenanigans he’s been getting into since he’s not locked down by a contract.

But I have a question in earnest, for you folks who watch the big game for the commercials, what’s the point if all those spots are already online?

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