Make a Smartwatch Leash for your Phone with WearOS!

Don’t lose your phone!

An old feature I loved on the Pebble, we used to get a notification when our watch dropped the Bluetooth connection to our phone. It saved me a couple times from losing my phone while traveling.

I really missed that feature, but there IS a version of it on WearOS! You just gotta dig for it… Continue reading “Make a Smartwatch Leash for your Phone with WearOS!”

Use Face Unlock With a Mask on ANY Phone!

Apple is adding an option to help people unlock their phones while wearing masks. We’ve had features like that on Android for YEARS now. Here’s a quick reminder, how to use Smart Lock on your Android phone! Continue reading “Use Face Unlock With a Mask on ANY Phone!”

Split Screen Apps: The most underrated feature on your phone!

If you spend more on a phone, you should get more with your phone. Your pocket computer is insanely powerful. Here’s a quick chat about a feature that goes underused, and can help you do more on the go!

Split screen those apps! Multi-task! Continue reading “Split Screen Apps: The most underrated feature on your phone!”

Get iOS 14 Widgets on Android!

Widgets are a way we can customize a phone.

We want a phone to be the perfect fit for each user. If you’re using an android, but wanted the look of those iPhone widgets, here’s a quick video on how to get them! Continue reading “Get iOS 14 Widgets on Android!”

Airdrop for Android! Nearby Share Tutorial!

Sending files wirelessly between Android phones is about to get a lot easier! Here’s a quick tutorial on Nearby Share! Continue reading “Airdrop for Android! Nearby Share Tutorial!”

Leave the Laptop at Home? Tech Travel Tips!

Do you leave your laptop at home when traveling? It’s getting more difficult to keep up with gadget restrictions around the world, but we still need to get work done while on the go. Here are some ideas to consider when trying to be productive from our phones and tablets.

More Tech Travel Tips!

Pick a Good Travel Battery!
Charge Your Phone Overseas!
The Best Bag For Your Trip!
Continue reading “Leave the Laptop at Home? Tech Travel Tips!”

The Best Bag for Your Trip? Travel Tech Prep!

Picking a bag, backpack, or purse can make or break your trip. Thankfully more fashion brands are considering the technology we need to carry with us, and what kinds of pockets or pouches we might need for phones, tablets, laptops, batteries, and other electronics. Here are some quick tips on choosing the right pack for your adventure!

Continue reading “The Best Bag for Your Trip? Travel Tech Prep!”

Need a Power Adapter to Charge Your Phone Overseas? Travel Tech Prep!

How do you charge your phone or laptop overseas? When flying from the United States to Europe, the voltage from electrical sockets changes. Do you need an adapter? A step down converter? Should you buy a local phone charger? Let’s take a look at how you can power your tech in another country!


Continue reading “Need a Power Adapter to Charge Your Phone Overseas? Travel Tech Prep!”

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