Why You Should Upgrade Your Memory Card When Buying a New Phone (Transcend 600X MicroSD Review)!

It’s something we don’t often think of, but after using a phone for a couple years, and buying a new one, many of us will just yank out our old SD Card and pop it into our brand new phones. As phones have become more powerful, we might also want to consider upgrading our cards when upgrading our phones.

Transcend sent us a new Class 10 UHS-1 MicroSD card to run a speed test!

Continue reading “Why You Should Upgrade Your Memory Card When Buying a New Phone (Transcend 600X MicroSD Review)!”

Viewer Pro Tip: Transfer Apps from Your Phone to an SD Card in Windows Phone 8.1

Got a great viewer tip from the comments on one of my other videos! This is how you can move an app from your phone’s storage to a memory card in Windows Phone’s Storage Sense!

This is why I love the comments you folks post!

Samsung Galaxy S5 Camera Tip: Should You Leave Picture Stabilization on for Low Light Photos?

Samsung is doing something a little different with the electronic image stabilization on the Galaxy S5 Camera. Does it really result in better pics with less noise?

Let’s take a look!

Galaxy S5 Pro Tip: How to enable developer options and speed up system animations!

galaxy s5 developer optionsQuick pro tip for you fine folks rocking the Galaxy S5. Even though it’s one of the most powerful phones on the market, doesn’t mean we can’t tweak it!

Here’s a handy trick to tighten up the animations so transitions will feel a little faster. All we have to do first is turn on the developer options in settings…

Continue reading “Galaxy S5 Pro Tip: How to enable developer options and speed up system animations!”

How I Plan to Continue Using Google Voice on Windows Phone After Support for MetroTalk Ends

google voice on windows phone

We posted a reminder yesterday that Google will soon be pulling support for 3rd party Google Voice clients. No big deal for people who use Android and iOS, as the Voice will likely get rolled up into the Hangouts app.

However Windows Phone users are getting caught in the cold war crossfire between Microsoft and Google, and it’s unlikely we’ll see a “Live Tiled” version of Hangouts any time soon. In the meantime, here’s how I’ll continue to use Google Voice on my Windows Phone…

Continue reading “How I Plan to Continue Using Google Voice on Windows Phone After Support for MetroTalk Ends”

Please don’t buy this MicroUSB adapter for the Galaxy S5…

microusb adapterIn the past, we used to have to deal with the scourge of proprietary phone connectors. Buy a new phone, toss all your old accessories and re-buy cables and chargers. Then Mini-USB started catching on, and everything got a lot easier. Sure, the transition from Mini-USB to Micro-USB meant re-buying stuff, as did the iPhone switch from the old Dock Connector to the Lightning port, but you could better count on a number of people around you using the same accessories as you. It was an actual ecosystem.

Whenever something like a connector changes, people freak out, but the nice thing about the move from MicroUSB2 to MicroUSB3, is that you won’t need any adapters or new cables. The port INCLUDES a USB2 connection. It only adds a couple pins for additional speed and feature support. All of you old cables will still work, so that adapter shown at the top is pretty much useless. It’s a placebo. Please, don’t buy it.

galaxy s5 microusb3 port

If you need any confirmation, below is a video demo of using a MicroUSB2 Flash Drive adapter on the Galaxy S5’s MicroUSB3 port.

OverThought.org Publishes Comprehensive Guide to Improving iOS Battery LIfe

apple iphone 5s gold speakers headphone jack audio quality review somegadgetguyBattery life is voodoo.

No seriously, everyone “knows” what’s good for your battery. Charging it at night, during the day, disabling radios, fully depleting, never letting the battery get too low, turning on/off WiFi/BT/LTE/NFC. The tips and tricks are vast and often contradictory in what will result in better battery life for your mission critical communication gadget.

OverThought.org has written up a fairly comprehensive list of best practices for those of you wanting to hyper-mile your iPhone or iPad. Best of all it’s not just a trite list of useless suggestions like “use your phone less”, instead targeting specific usage scenarios and apps which can be notorious battery hogs.

From Multi-Tasking and App Quitting to turning off battery percentage, the article does a great job of examining commonly held notions about battery life, and delivers a number of great tips on how to get the most out of your mobile.

Even if you rock an Android or a Windows Phone, there are a couple good behaviors on this list which can help you out too. I’d highly recommend giving it a read.

The Ultimate Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain

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