Friday Fun: #LootCrate Unboxing for September 2014 “Galactic”

It’s time again to tear into our monthly subscription geek and gamer gear service LOOTCRATE! This month’s theme is “Galactic” which means we can expect to see stuff from shows and movies with the word “Star” in the title! Let’s dig in!

Save 10% on a Loot Crate by using promo code “SGLOOT” at checkout!

Friday Fun: #LootCrate Unboxing August 2014 – HEROES!!!

Time for another LOOTCRATE!!! The Villains Crate last month was a hit, and the only follow up which makes sense is to throw some heroes our way! Let’s see what’s inside!

Save 10% on a Loot Crate by using promo code “SGLOOT” at checkout!

#LootCrate Unboxing May 2014: ADVENTURE!

What time is it? Time to unbox a new Loot Crate!

This month’s theme is “ADVENTURE”, so let’s see what adventures we have in store…

Sign up for Loot Crate and save 10% on a Loot Crate by using promo code “SGLOOT” at checkout!

What is Loot Crate?

Potato Unboxing, 1st Impressions, Full Review, and Comparison (versus the LG G2)

I just got a brand new tuber!

Let’s go hands on with an unboxing and then see how it stacks up against the LG G2! Get ready for .5 kilograms of starch yo!

T-Mobile tries their hand at a Galaxy S5 Unboxing Video

galaxy s5 unboxing video t-mobileFirst Samsung delivers a full hands on video of the Galaxy S5, now T-Mobile is delivering my least favorite flavor of Geek Porn.

The Unboxing Video.

In true unboxing form, over a third of the video is just a pair of disembodied hands holding Samsung’s packaging. If you really needed to hear someone read the specs off the side of the box, and eventually hold the phone in their hands, while also showing you the cable and charger, then this is the video for you!

I have to admit a bit of disappointment though as you’d think that a company like T-Mobile would be able to produce a higher quality video, at least something better than 720p shot on a potato…

Friday Fun! #LootCrate Unboxing March 2014: TITAN!

Let’s do this!

This month’s Loot Crate theme is “TITAN” and we can be sure there’s going to be some Titanfall stuff inside, but let’s see what other surprises the box holds…

Save 10% on a Loot Crate by using promo code “SGLOOT” at checkout!  
Behind the Scenes at LootCrate: How cool geek & gamer gear ends up on your doorstep!

First Impressions: The Qualcomm Toq Smartwatch with Mirasol Display

qualcomm toq box smartwatch wireless charge cradle review somegadgetguyIt’s in my hands!

One of the gadgets I’ve been most excited about this year is finally here! Qualcomm is delivering a really interesting smart watch solution, with a fantastic display. Also exciting, as this is the first product from Qualcomm where they’re trying to speak directly to consumers.

I’ve barely gotten it out of the shipping box, but let’s take a look at this sexy little piece, some of the set up, and a run down on the feature set!

Shop for the Qualcom Toq.

Friday Fun: Loot Crate Un-boxing! November 2013 CELEBRATE #LootCrate

LootCrate Whats in the boxOh how I loves me some loot!

Each month cool geeky gamer gear is lovingly delivered right to my doorstep. A small mysterious black box is dropped off, and it’s always a surprise seeing what’s inside!

Last month Loot Crate was rocking some zombie gear!  This month’s theme is CELEBRATE, and it’s time to see what we’ll be celebrating!

You can sign up to receive your very own Loot Crates! $13.37 + $6 shipping. Less than $20 for way more than $20 worth of gear! Oh, would you like to get it even cheaper? Save 10% on your Loot Crate by using promo code “SGLOOT” at checkout!

Sign up for Loot Crate:

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