Apple extends older app support for legacy iOS users

itunes app store legacyFragmentation is a fact of life. As new gear arrives, older gear will stop receiving support. As developers move on to newer operating systems users can become frustrated when some devices get updates and others don’t.

Apple weathers this storm better than most of their competition, but even they aren’t completely immune. They are taking a savvy step towards improving the experience for people using older iOS devices. The iTunes store now allows you to install older versions of apps. That way, if developers are supporting newer version of iOS than what’s on your phone or tablet, you’ll be able to backtrack to versions which do support your iDevice.

This kind of legacy support really improves the experience for people who hold on to their tech for as long as possible. If you’ve got an older phone, tablet, or iPod Touch give it a whirl.

(pic via Reddit)

HDMI 2.0 approved and anounced! Get ready for 4K video at 60fps!

hdmi 2.0 cable somegadgetguyThis is the best kind of update!

A shadowy forum of TV specialty Ninjas have finally pulled back the curtain hiding the newest HDMI specification from the public. At least that’s how these kinds of events go down in my head.

HDMI 2.0 will offer a big bump to bandwidth allowing for 4K video at 60fps. Nicely timed as we’re starting to see consumer solutions for 4K films and TV. Along with the ability to pump an 18Gbps data stream, HDMI 2.0 will also support up to 32 audio channels. Why that many audio channels? I don’t know, but it’s there, so that’s good.

Best of all you shouldn’t need to buy new cables! The Shadow Forum has determined that the current HDMI cable design is equal to the task.

Full PR after the jump.

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Updated: The next version of Android to be called “Kit-Kat”? Plus Nexus 7 Giveaway!

Here we thought we were all SO CLEVER thinking the next version of Google’s mobile operating system would be called “Key Lime Pie”.

Well fresh from the Twitters, Senior VP in charge of Android and Chrome OS Sundar Pichai just posted this tweet:

For those not hip to Google Android names, every major revision of the OS is given a tasty dessert name. Starting with version 1.5 we’ve seen Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, and we’re currently on Jellybean. This marks the first version of Android to use a proper product instead of a generic dessert name.

On a personal note, Kit-Kats (especially authentic British imports) are one of my fave candies.


It looks like Kit-Kat is getting in on the fun too. The pair just launched The Android KitKat page, and are hosting the story of Android’s development, and the journey which took them to 1 billion activations. To celebrate they’re giving away a Nexus 7 and Google Play credit.

Is it wrong that I kinda wish I could win a Kit-Kat?

Google has posted the video of KitKat Droid’s statue being unveiled at the Google campus. Watch out around 37 seconds into the video to catch a glimpse of what might be the next Nexus phone!

MORE UPDATES: the video below just went private! Looks like someone at Google finally noticed the leaked Nexus?


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