Lenovo LaVie Z 360 Review – World’s Lightest Touchscreen Ultrabook

After reviewing the LaVie Z laptop, my biggest complaint was how used to a touchscreen I’ve become on Windows laptops and convertibles. Thankfully there is a touchscreen version, and today we’re going to take a look at Lenovo’s LaVie Z 360!

Shop the LaVie Z 360 on Amazon
LaVie Z Speaker Test
Non-Touchscreen LaVie Z Review

LG Teases Brighter, More Colorful Screen for Their G4 Smartphone

lg g4 teaser video quantum display smartphone news somegadgetguyOn a video released yesterday, LG claims “You deserve this”.

What you deserve is apparently a brighter and more colorful phone display, which would be a welcome addition to one of their flagship phones. It’s been one of my more consistent criticisms of LG devices, that while their screens are high resolution, they’re a bit dimmer than their Samsung, HTC, and Lumia counterparts which affects outdoor view-ability.

Is this a killer app for you? Are you looking forward to the G4 reveal on the 28th? Drop us a comment and watch LG’s teaser video below!

4K Smartphone Camera Review: Real World Video Samples from the Samsung Galaxy S6 on AT&T (UHD)

Samsung has been on a roll with their camera tech. Does the Galaxy S6 continue their record of delivering excellent optics? Does it live up to the hype? Let’s run this flagship smartphone though our slate of real world video tests!

Shop the Galaxy S6 on Amazon: http://goo.gl/Ii0Qg1

App Review: Broadcast Live Video with Periscope

The video broadcasting wars are heating up. Where we used to only have Google’s Hangouts, now we have services tied to Twitter for real time live streaming video and chat. Let’s take a quick look at Periscope, currently only available for iOS

Periscope on the iTunes App Store

Microsoft’s Hyperlapse Might Come to Windows Phone

microsoft research hyperlapseWe reported on Microsoft’s Hyperlapse project last August. While Instagram might have an iPhone app which provides for simplified timelapse tools, Microsoft’s solution is a sophisticated 3D rendering program which radically smooths out videos shot from 1st person perspective cameras like a GoPro or Google Glass. It’s incredible output, and I would highly recommend checking out the project video below.

It’s now being reported by Microsoft Insider, that there’s an internal BETA for a phone version of Hyperlapse, and that the app was updated as recently as March 25th. This could be a fantastically fun feature to bring to Windows Phones, and would be yet another class leading photo/video feature to land on Lumia devices.

Of course, we’ll need to wait and see if this is brought to market soon, with Windows 10, or ever.

(via Microsoft Insider)

Smartphone Camera Test: Blackberry Classic on AT&T – Real World HD Video Benchmarks

This is the first Blackberry I’ve used in YEARS, and while I was a big fan of their messaging services, the smartphone arena has become very competitive with some fantastic camera options. Let’s see how Blackberry’s mid-range, throw-back designed Classic performs in our real-world video benchmarks!

Shop the Blackberry Classic on Amazon.

Informal Poll: Is HTC’s Rap Video So Bad It’s Good?

Now I LOVES me some schlock. The best “bad” media is made from passionate people, who really believed in their project, but lacked the resources to properly execute.

That’s maybe why I’m torn on HTC’s “funny” rap video here. I’d imagine that HTC has enough cash to compete with the budget of a single Digital Short from SNL, right? Trying to make something look “bad” or “low budget” is a tricky thing to pull off. It’s like asking a singer to purposely sing off key.  It’ll never be as funny as someone who knows they’re a terrible singer belting their favorite karaoke jam at the top of their lungs.

Or maybe I’m wrong, and HTC’s delivered a masterpiece. Your comments below will certainly be appreciated…

NX1 Cinema 4K Video Samples: 4096 x 2160 from Samsung’s Pro Mirrorless Camera

We’re just starting to review the NX1, but that doesn’t mean we can’t share some video samples! Samsung’s newest APS-C mirrorless camera is a beast capable of shooting true Cinema 4K resolution. Here’s an afternoon in Los Angeles shot in Ultra High Definition. Be sure to hit full screen, and toggle your quality settings to see every picture from this monster video file. Enjoy!

Shop the NX1 on Amazon.
More info on the NX1.

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